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Here and there

Finding out

Here and there

Finding out

Learning intention

To understand what the different rates of participation (if any) are between regions across Aotearoa New Zealand.


We are going to spend a bit of time looking at how active people are in different parts of Aotearoa New Zealand. 

  • Do you think there will be a difference between different places in the country?
  • Why do you think this?
  • What do you think will be the most popular activities in different places? 

Before we get started let's make sure we understand some words that we will be using.

  • Active
  • Participation
  • Population
  • Insights
  • Trend
  • Profile
  • Data
  • Statistics
  • Percentage
  • Demographic
  • Behaviours
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Lifestage
  • Deprivation Level

The Sport NZ Insights Tool

We are going to use the Sport NZ Insights Tool to find out about how active people are across Aotearoa New Zealand. Below are examples and descriptions of the information you will find in the Insights Tool. And when you are ready you can have a play to get familiar with tool here.

Demographics: What do we look like?
The demographics tab lets us work out what the population of our region looks like. Choose a region to look at then select a demographic category to look at. You will be able to select categories such as gender, ethnicity and stage of life.

Demographics tab screenshot from Sport NZ Insights Tool 

Demographic trends: What will we look like?
The demographic trends tab lets us work out what the population of our region will be like in the future. Choose a region, then select a year in the future to explore what is going to happen to the population in your area.

Demographic trends tab screenshot from the Sport NZ Insights tool

Activity behaviours: What are our interests and preferences?
The activity behaviours tab lets us work out what activities people in our region like doing. Choose a region and then select a demographic category to look at. You will be able to select categories such as gender, ethnicity and stage of life.

Activity Behaviour tab screenshot from the Sport NZ Insights tool

Activity trends - participation trends.
The activity trends tab lets us work out what the trends are in the activities people do. You will be able to see how interested people are in a range of activities, how many people participated in those activities in the last year, how many people intend to participate in them during the next twelve months and how many people attend events for each sport or activity. You can click on the map to see what the information looks like for different regions.

Activity trends tab screenshot from the Sport NZ Insights tool

National Health Statistics: What are our health trends?
The health trends tab lets us look at health trends as a a country and also as a region.

Health trends tab screenshot from the Sport NZ Insights tool

Education: School profiles
The schools profiles gives information on the number of students in schools in various regions around the country.

School profiles tab screenshot from the Sport NZ Insights tool

Education: Involvement in secondary school sport
The schools and sports tab shows us trends in involvement in sport. Choose a region then select either gender or decile band to see what is happening with participation in sport for different groups.

Schools and sport tab screenshot from the Sport NZ Insights tool

Education: Sports in secondary schools
The sport in schools tab let you see what sports are being played by different groups in schools in different parts of the country.

Sports in Schools tab screenshot from the Sport NZ Insights tool

Step 1: Warming up!

Thumbnails of pdf resource downloads

There are four warm up sheets which have data from the Insights Tool about participation in different parts of the country. 

Have a go at trying to answer the questions on each sheet as a warm up before you start using the Insights Tool to answer your own questions.

Step 2: Finding out about participation around Aotearoa New Zealand

It is now time to start to look at the patterns of participation across the country. As a class, a group or just by yourself come up with a series of questions you want to explore with the Insights Tool. Remember that the intention of this learning experience is to understand what the different rates of participation (if any) are between regions across Aotearoa New Zealand. If you feel like you still need some coaching in how to use the Insights Tool then the following video might give you some more tips for this activity. Otherwise dive in and see what you can find out.

If you require an accessible version of any content on the site please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

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