Web Accessibility check list
Web Accessibility check list
☐ Colour Contrast
Check that your text and background have a minimum colour contrast of 4.5:1. Ensure icons and controls contrast with their background by at least 3:1. Use tools like the TPG Colour Contrast Analyser for this.
☐ Alt Text
Add alt text to all images. If an image is decorative, use ALT=””.
☐ Meaningful Links
Make link text unique and clear about its purpose without needing to refer to surrounding content. Instead of “Read the rules of tennis here”, use “Read the Rules of tennis”.
☐ Heading Structure
Mark content with heading tags that match a logically consistent visual hierarchy.
☐ Easy-to-Read Content
Strive for a score of 60-65 on the Fleisch reading-ease test for all content aimed at a general audience. Use the built-in checker in Word by pasting your content into a document.
☐ Non-Mouse (Keyboard) Access
Ensure all functions operate using standard keyboard control and that a clear focus indicator is present.
☐ Forms
Design forms as simply as possible to achieve the goal. Label clearly and concisely, and make sure error text describes both the problem and the solution.
☐ Landmarks
Ensure that Main, Navigation, and Search regions are marked.
☐ Check Your Pages
Use code checking tools, like Axe to find potential accessibility issues.
Limit the use of PDF documents. Enable users to print the information using a print style sheet.