Play principle 7
Play principle 7
Video transcript
[Community Sports Advisor: Jess McJorrow speaking]
The seventh play principle is whenever possible play should incorporate the opportunity to be active.
What this means to me is allowing our children to build physical confidence, and providing them the opportunities to be active out in their environment, to do what they want to do, so children's choices is massive. It’s becoming really evident that our children don't have the same opportunities to play and be active perhaps that I used to have when I was a child growing up. You know rather than just walking along the pavement it's allowing them in having the opportunity to jump up on the berm and skip and hop along. It's climbing trees and that not being seen as a health and safety issue, because our children don't have those opportunities as much anymore, so we need to make sure that we bring those back, so that their quality movement skills are being developed from an early age all the way through their life.