Play principle 4
Play principle 4
Video transcript
[Community Recreation Advisor: Daphne Pilaar speaking]
The fourth play principle is all about making sure that young people and children have the opportunity to play in their environment.
To me this is really important because the outside environment is always changing, so there's always new things for children and young people to discover and explore. They work very much at their own risk comfort, so they may start playing by a stream and walk carefully over rock, and they get a bit bolder and they'll walk over a log. With trees they will start climbing and experimenting at a safe level, and then as they get more confident they they do a bit more - they go down a limb that's but looser…so there's there's a lot of opportunity for children to develop emotionally by playing with other kids creatively by making up a whole world for themselves, and the play they're doing outside.