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How the play, active recreation and sport sector is changing

Participation, funding and economic trends in 2024

How the play, active recreation and sport sector is changing

Participation, funding and economic trends in 2024

We have recently completed several research reports into the funding and economics of the play, active recreation and sport system, and the participation habits of New Zealanders.  

This report draws on the latest research and summarises the key trends shaping the play, active recreation and sport sector in Aotearoa New Zealand. It also includes practical suggestions about how organisations can be more sustainable and build resilience into the future. 

What the research tells us 

The research shows that we have an increasingly strong evidence base about the social and economic value that sport and active recreation provides for Aotearoa. It also shows several challenges facing the sector that will require organisations to adapt, particularly in the areas of cost reduction, funding sustainability, and participant-centred experiences. 

  • The sector provides enormous value to the economy and society of Aotearoa - it generates $4 billion in value to the NZ economy and $17 billion in social value, for a combined total of $21 billion every year. 
  • Revenue for the system has declined significantly in recent years and remains under pressure 
  • New Zealanders want flexible, free, or lower cost ways to be active. This trend has been accelerated by the increasing cost of living. 
  • There is an increasing need for offerings to meet the evolving needs of participants, particularly rangatahi. 

Sport NZ’s 2024-2028 Strategy responds to several of these challenges, but there are limits to our ability to influence the wider sector. Sector leaders will need to consider how the trends shaping the wider system are affecting their individual organisations and consider how to respond given their own unique circumstances. Together with the recent Drivers of Change report, this report supports organisations to address issues they are facing today in a way that best positions them for a sustainable future.  

Read more in the report below or see the infographic for a quick summary. 

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