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Relay - 3 October 2014

03 October 2014

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In this Relay

Young People

Primary school sport premium analysis released - 8 Sep 2014 The British Department for Education has published the first part of its research into the use of the PE and sport premium in primary schools (PDF) assessing the impact of this new funding initiative. (Sport and Recreation Alliance) British PE lessons to be re-energised - 4 Jul 2014 New funding will double the number of specialist PE teachers working in British primary schools. High calibre graduates will work in primary schools to coach sports that include hockey, cricket and rock-climbing. (Teachers Who Coach) The challenge of growing youth participation in sport - August 2014 (PDF) A high proportion of English young people regularly take part in sport but participation is not yet growing above its historic norm. This is a summary of new insight into young people and the actions required to broaden reach with this key audience and grow participation levels. (Sport England) Taking Part 2013/14: annual child release - 18 Sep 2014 (PDF) This English report provides headline figures on child engagement and participation in sport, including competitive sport, how children followed the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics, and the effect of the Games on their motivations to do more sport. (Department for Culture, Media & Sport, UK) Encouraging kids' physical activity engagement and well-being by improving their experiences in organised sport - 10 Apr 2014 This article outlines a research project customising, delivering and evaluating a theory and evidenced-based training programme for youth sport coaches between 2009 and 2013, with the aim of optimising 10 to 14 year-olds' involvement in grassroots football. (European Commission) Policy changes to implement intramural sports in North Carolina Middle Schools: simulated effects on sports participation rates and physical activity intensity - 16 Jan 2014 (PDF) This study sought to simulate the potential effect of implementing intramural sports programmes in North Carolina middle schools on both the rates of sports participation and on energy expenditure related to physical activity levels. (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention) Do coaches perceive themselves as influential on physical activity for girls in organised youth sport? - 3 Sep 2014 (PDF) This study provides a unique insight from coaches in organised youth sport. Most coaches felt that they had the potential to influence physical activity for girls. However, coaches may underestimate or not fully realise the impact they can have on the girls they coach. (PLOS ONE) Are we pushing sporty kids too hard? - 18 Aug 2014 (AUDIO 24 minutes) Sports physician Dr Graham Paterson says children's bodies are under too much stress from sport at a time when then just need to grow. Increasingly physicians like him are left to pick up the pieces - injuries that will cause lifelong problems. (Radio NZ National)

Community Sport and Recreation

The New Zealand coaching workforce literature review - September 2014 (PDF) This review examines the profile of coaches at all levels of sport, from community to high-performance and provides information on recruitment, development and retention. A summary factsheet is also available. (Sport and Recreation Knowledge Library) Wellington cycling demand analysis - September 2014 (PDF) This research investigates how providing different types of cycling infrastructure (lanes or other safety improvements) is likely to affect the numbers of people choosing to cycle in Wellington. (Wellington City Council) Results from 2013 Scottish Household Survey - culture and sport - August 2014 Results show how frequently adults participated in sport and exercise between 2007 and 2013 and reports on adults' levels of satisfaction with local authority sports and leisure facilities. Scroll half way to two-thirds down to see detailed sport participation information. (Scottish Government) English rugby plans to introduce rugby to 100,000 women and girls - 3 Sep 2014 The English Rugby Football Union plans to introduce rugby to 100,000 women and girls across the country. The strategy aims to capitalise on and on the recent women's World Cup victory. (RFU) New guidelines for women's football development programmes, FIFA doubles funding - 12 Sep 2014 FIFA is to double its development funding for women's football for the next four-year cycle and has released the FIFA Women's Football Development Programmes and Guidelines 2015-2018 (PDF). (FIFA) Breaking down golfing barriers - 24 Sep 2014 England Golf is working with cultural groups to find ways to broaden the appeal of the game among black, Asian and minority ethnic communities. (Golf Business News) Everybody Active, Every Day: an evidence based approach to physical activity - September 2014 (PDF) Public Health England's new framework provides a national approach to getting the nation active and healthy. The implementation guide (PDF) prioritises actions with the strongest evidence base and most potential for implementation. (GOV.UK)

Outdoor Recreation

New Zealand as a safe adventure destination - is it a reality? - 2014 (PDF) This research analyses the safety practices adopted by operators and examines the safety management framework implemented in the adventure tourism industry in New Zealand. (The University of Auckland) Adventure activities update - 11 Sep 2014 This notice contains the latest registration, audit figures and audit providers capacity updates for adventure sector operators. (WorkSafe New Zealand) Re-energised Coast to Coast on track - 18 Sep 2014 Changes to re-energise the Speight's Coast to Coast multi-sport event are on track highlighted with current entries tracking 60 percent ahead of last year. (endurancesport) Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan factsheet - recreation and tourism - July 2014 (PDF) Sea Change - Tai Timu Tai Pari is about ensuring the Hauraki Gulf is a healthy, productive and sustainable resource for all users. Other project factsheets outline the key uses of the Gulf and the pressures on the Gulf environment. (Sea Change - Tai Timu Tai Pari) Health and wellbeing benefits of conservation in New Zealand - July 2013 (PDF) This report reviews literature relevant to the relationship between conservation and health and wellbeing benefits, with a particular focus on areas managed by the New Zealand Department of Conservation. (Department of Conservation) Largest ever land covenant good for access too - 7 Aug 2014 The proposal by Switzerland-based music producer Mutt Lange to create New Zealand's largest ever land covenant would also result in a significant number of new publicly accessible trails. (New Zealand Walking Access Commission)

High Performance

Better outcomes from New Zealand sporting events - 25 Jun 2014 (PDF) This strategy underpins the creation of a world-leading New Zealand Sporting Events System, which will see the delivery not only of excellent events, but of the various social and economic benefits that flow from them. (Sport New Zealand) Cricket World Cup volunteering opportunities still available - 19 Sep 2014 It is not too late to contribute to one of the world's biggest sporting events with volunteer positions still open across New Zealand at the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015. (Cricket World Cup 2015) Wairarapa to host UCI Women's Cycling Tour in 2015 - 19 Aug 2014 The world's top female road cyclists will descend on the Wairarapa next year, following the granting of international status to the 2015 Trust House Women's Tour of New Zealand by the Union Cycliste Internationale. (Cycling NZ) Rio 2016 announces ticket prices for Olympic Games - 16 Sep 2014 Ticket prices for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games have been announced and more than half of them will be sold at accessible prices in order to ensure the event is open to everyone. (Rio 2016) Turning the Games into gold: economic boost from London 2012 has passed £14 billion - 23 Jul 2014 The UK economy has seen a trade and industry boost in excess of £14 billion following the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, beating the 4 year target of £11 billion in half the time. (GOV.UK) From wide-eyed adventurer to veteran volunteer - the journey of a Glasgow 2014 volunteer - 26 Sep 2014 An expert on volunteer tourism takes a closer look at Glasgow 2014's volunteers and the impact a mega-sports event like the Commonwealth Games can have on an individual volunteer. (University of Strathclyde) Parkour sets up new organisation in what could be first step towards Olympic recognition - 5 Sep 2014 Parkour has taken a significant step on the journey to one day joining the Olympic programme by creating a new international organisation to help promote the sport. (insidethegames) Irene van Dyk to promote voice of athletes - 23 Sep 2014 One of New Zealand's longest-standing and most respected sportspeople, Irene van Dyk, has been elected to the New Zealand Olympic Committee Athletes' Commission. (New Zealand Olympic Committee)

Organisational Capability

New programme promises transformation - 24 Sep 2014 Canterbury is embracing a new leadership programme that it expects to transform the future of sport in the region. (Sport Canterbury) Skills Active e-Learning preview - 2 Sep 2014 (VIDEO 4 minutes) Skills Active Aotearoa has responded to feedback from a 2013 customer survey by developing a new e-Learning platform to be launched in October and November. This video previews the development. (YouTube) Why do consumers support the underdog in sports? Replication and extension study - 2013 This research focuses on identifying the consumers' emotional feelings associated with underdog sports teams in the context of the value and economic importance of the sports industry. (Unitec Institute of Technology) Examining the longitudinal structure, stability, and dimensional interrelationships of team identification - 2014 The propensity of strongly identi?ed fans to contribute positive organisational outcomes for sport teams is one reason the issue remains important in sport management. This study examines team identi?cation using data from Australian Rules football fans. (Journal of Sport Management) How technology has increased American soccer fandom - 21 Sep 2014 American interest in soccer has been steadily increasing for years now. Technology has made it easier to connect with friends and like-minded fans around the world to share opinions, experiences and to follow favourite teams and players. (sporttechie) First real-time athlete brand index captures sports industry's attention in 2014 - 21 Sep 2014 A sports sector social media intelligence platform, MVPindex, assesses the digital brand value of athletes, teams and leagues using social media as a real-time measurement tool. (Forbes)

Sports Science and Technology

Getting the jump on competitors - 10 Sep 2014 New research into the run-ups of elite athletes in sports such as cricket, long jump, triple jump and pole vault has found the vertical objects sportspeople see at the end of the runway significantly impact their performance. (Queensland University of Technology) Genomics of elite sporting performance: what little we know and necessary advances - 2013 (PDF) Numerous reports of genetic associations with performance have been published but there has been limited progress in discovering the genetic contribution to elite performance. This review summarises and explores future trends and possibilities. (Victoria University Institutional Repository) Can supplementation with vitamin C and E alter physiological adaptations to strength training? - 5 Jul 2014 (PDF) This paper describes experiments testing the hypothesis that high dosages of vitamin C and E have negative effects on adaptation to resistance exercise and training in young volunteers, but positive effects in older men. (BioMed Central) Tips on eating to recover after exercise - 11 Aug 2014 What you eat to recover after exercise supports the body's physiological adaptation to the demands of training and competition and prepares the body for the next event. (The Conversation) Caffeine and performance over consecutive days of simulated competition - September 2014 This study investigates the effects of placebo and two different caffeine doses on performance in cross-country skiers over two consecutive days. (Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise) Effects of sports drinks on the maintenance of physical performance during 3 tennis matches: a randomised controlled study - 2 Sep 2014 (PDF) This study assessed the impact of several successive tennis matches on the physical performance of competitive players and evaluated the potential of sports drinks to minimise fatigue induced by repeated matches. (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition) Do glucose-containing beverages play a role in thermo-regulation, thermal sensation, and mood state? - 28 May 2014 (PDF) This study examined the effects of a fluid replacement drink that contains electrolytes, glucose and calories versus a fluid replacement drink containing solely electrolytes, non-digestible artificial sweeteners, and zero calories after protracted exercise. (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition) Drinking too much water can be fatal for athletes - 9 Sep 2014 The recent deaths of two US high school football players illustrate the dangers of drinking too much water and sports drinks, according a sports medicine physician. (Loyola University) WADA publishes first ever Athlete Reference Guide to the Code - 19 Sep 2014 The document (PDF) is a guide and will not supersede the Code itself. It is intended to help athletes better understand the anti-doping framework, rules and regulations. (World Anti-Doping Agency)

Off the Bench: Talent Identification and Development

A cross-cultural comparison of talent identification and development in Paralympic sports - August 2014 (PDF) This study provides an international comparative analysis of structures, processes and results in the identification and development of talent in disability sport, taking selected sports as examples. (Free University Berlin) Improving how we think about talent - September 2014 This article argues that how people view the origins of talent can have a significant impact on athlete development. (ISSUU) An adaptive toolbox approach to the route to expertise in sport - 8 Jul 2014 (PDF) This paper argues that talent identification and development models should be geared toward the assessment and development of specific heuristics. (National Center for Biotechnology Information) Our biggest mistake: talent selection instead of talent identification - December 2013 This article argues that failing to understand the difference between talent selection and identification is damaging to the future talent pool in many sports. Talent selection culls players with the current ability to participate whereas talent identification involves prediction of future performance. (Changing the Game Project) Talent identification - what are we looking for? - 4 Mar 2014 This article attempts to shed some light on talent identification, a process which should be carefully nurtured. (TheSportinMind) Designing a template for talent identification and development in sport - 27 Jul 2014 (PDF) This article proposes a method of talent identification that merges coach selection and scientific methods. (Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures) "They might be athletes" or why many sport talent identification schemes fail - 13 Aug 2014 This article suggests that athlete talent identification projects undertaken by national sport governing bodies are ill-conceived and wrongly based on the premise that sport officials can somehow predict who will become a great athlete sometime in the future. (Sportkid) Breakers Academy now a critical part of player pathway - 25 Aug 2014 The Breakers Academy aims to develop the club's own talent instead of having to recruit Australians, to build a sustainable player pathway. (Sport New Zealand) Progressing talent development - 21 Aug 2014 This article outlines theoretical development systems said to progress talent development practices through providing guidance on the complex management of contributing influences on the development process. (AFL Community)

Useful Weblinks

Ahead of the Games This site provides the inside story on Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games preparations and contains case studies, details of venue development, strategic plans and legacy documents. PlaySport PlaySport is an online activity-based resource which helps children and youth develop an understanding competence in skills and strategies associated with a wide range of sports. Sports Coach Radio This site offers in-depth interviews with leading sports coaches, sports scientists, exercise physiologists and team performance directors.

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