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Relay - 29 May 2014

30 May 2014

In this Relay

Sport New Zealand

New safeguards to prevent match-fixing - 5 May 2014 Earlier this month Sport and Recreation Minister Murray McCully announced two important steps to prevent match-fixing and protect the reputation of New Zealand sport. The New Zealand Policy on Sports Match-Fixing and Related Corruption will provide a comprehensive framework to prevent and address match-fixing risks. The Crimes Act 1961 will be amended to ensure the most serious form of match-fixing is a criminal offence. (Sport NZ)

Young People

Sport New Zealand's 2011 Young People's Survey - Staff Survey Results - June 2013 (PDF) New Zealand's nationwide Young People's Survey sought understanding of how sport and recreation fit into the lives of boys and girls. The survey also allowed questions to be asked of some school staff, offering new and useful insights into sport and active recreation in the school environment. (Sport and Recreation Knowledge Library)The New Zealand physical activity and sedentary behaviour report card for children and youth: 2014 inaugural report card - May 2014 (PDF) Modelled on the Canadian version, this document used evidence from eight years of New Zealand surveys on physical activity (including organised sport and free play), lifestyle behaviours and community and government initiatives promoting physical activity to assign grades to nine indicators of health for children and youth. (National Institute of Health Innovation, University of Auckland) Practice briefing - young people - 13 Mar 2014 This British practice briefing looks at practical strategies for increasing the physical activity levels of young people. It looks at 11-18 year olds specifically and provides evidence-based suggestions and practical ideas for this age group. (The British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health)Safe sport for children - May 2014 (PDF) These New Zealand guidelines set out four steps to help sports organisations reduce the risk of harm to participating children. This harm includes physical harm from engaging in a physical activity, emotional abuse, bullying, inappropriate cultural practices, and physical and sexual abuse. These guidelines also provide organisations with a self-audit tool kit. The appendix contains a policy template. (Sport NZ)Call for sports organisations to have child protection policies - 13 May 2014 (AUDIO 19 minutes) Child protection organisations in New Zealand say too many sporting clubs and organisations don't have child protection policies, which is leaving children vulnerable to abuse. (Radio NZ National)The Let's Get Going story - May 2014 (PDF) A joint initiative between New Plymouth District Council and Sport Taranaki, this programme was designed to deliver bike skills to children under five to progress towards riding a bike independently. (Sport and Recreation Case Study Toolkit)Coaching top tips for young people by young people - 6 Aug 2013 Attendees at a UK conference of young people volunteering at doorstep sport projects were interviewed about youth coaching techniques. This resource includes a short video. (sportscoach UK) Effective education and development of youth sport coaches - December 2013 (PDF) This review examines America's youth sport coaches - who they are, their educational needs, how they learn to coach - as well as evidence on the efficacy of coaching education programmes and the key principles for effective youth coach development. Strategies for effectively coaching youth are also outlined. (President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition) American Academy of Paediatrics recommends training programmes to reduce risk of ACL tears in young athletes - 28 Apr 2014 Increasing numbers of young athletes, especially girls, are tearing their anterior cruciate ligament, which provides stability to the knee. The American Academy of Paediatrics has published a clinical guide (PDF) to assist diagnosis and treatment. (American Academy of Paediatrics)

Community Sport and Recreation

Sport Recovery Programme for Greater Christchurch - 29 May 2014 From today, you can access the Sport and Recreation Recovery Programme for Greater Christchurch - from your favourite mobile device or desktop. Most importantly, however, the sporting public is invited to give feedback on this living document via the web page. This Programme features an action plan outlining work completed, work in progress and planned projects. You can search according to region and type of sport, and also view the projects by mapped locations. (Sport Canterbury)Community Sport Earns World-class Compliments - 21 May 2014 At a recent Sport New Zealand conference, Sport Scotland Chief Executive Stewart Harris called the emergence of the Elmwood Club a world-leading example of a community sports hub partnership. The Club brought together six local sporting bodies with aligned visions and values. (Sport Canterbury)Getting the message out: increasing physical activity through social marketing - 4 Apr 2014 (PDF) This research file summarises the findings of literature review on the effectiveness of physical activity mass media campaigns, using social marketing techniques. (Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute) New communications guide enables providers to reach a wider audience - 7 Apr 2014 The English Federation of Disability Sport's new guide to inclusive communications (PDF) provides guidance on planning, terminology and language, and explains the purpose of accessible formats. (English Federation of Disability Sport) Wales leads way as adult participation rates hit all-time high - 6 May 2014 Welsh adult sports participation figures have hit record highs. The Sport Wales Active Adults survey (PDF) shows significant growth in adults taking part in sport or physical activity three or more times a week. (Sport Wales)Working Group on Scottish Sport: the continuing development of Scottish sport - including the impact of independence - May 2014 (PDF) The potential for Scottish independence brings with it an opportunity to look afresh at how Scottish sport is delivered. This working group has sought to do that by casting a critical eye on all areas of the sport infrastructure. It also addresses the issue of Scotland's status in the Olympics. (Scottish Government)Mitchell appointed to Community Football role - 19 may 2014 New Zealand Football has announced the appointment of Cameron Mitchell to the newly created role of Community Football Director, with responsibility for community football across New Zealand in a role working closely in partnership with federations, ASB Premiership franchises, Sport New Zealand and all other domestic football providers. (New Zealand Football)Touch New Zealand and New Zealand Rugby agree on partnership - 11 May 2014 Touch NZ and New Zealand Rugby have signed a Memorandum of Understanding which will continue to grow both sporting codes and work on a range of projects in the future. (Touch NZ)New Australian golf participation report highlights changing landscape - 28 Apr 2014 The health of Australian golf clubs is the focus of the 2013 National Golf Participation Report (PDF), which has identified trends in the areas of club membership, participation and financial viability. (Golf Australia)

Outdoor Recreation

Future of Outdoors NZ and OutdoorsMark Safety Certificate - 14 May 2014 Recently Outdoors New Zealand held an Extraordinary General Meeting to discuss the future of the organisation. This media release includes outcomes of the meeting. (Outdoors NZ)Waimakariri draft sport and recreation reserves management plan - 2014 A draft Sport and Recreation Reserves Management Plan has been prepared, and Waimakariri District Council is keen to hear locals' feedback. The draft plan contains policies to help the Council make decisions on the day-to-day management of sport and recreation reserves. (Waimakariri District Council)Gisborne draft sports parks management plan - 2014 The Gisborne District Council wants to ensure that all sports codes have access to grounds to train and play. There is recognition that people are playing a wider range of sports now and some codes are growing in numbers but have little access to fit-for-purpose facilities. The Council encourages all Gisborne sporting organisations and sports park users to tell the Council what they think of the draft plan. (Gisborne District Council)Pathways to Wellbeing: a national framework for recreation in Canada - April 2014 The first part of the paper provides a refreshed definition of recreation and explores the challenges and benefits of recreation today. It provides the rationale for investing in a renewed recreational strategy now, and describes the need for collaboration with other initiatives in a variety of sectors. (Canadian Parks and Recreation Association)A record number of Americans participate in outdoor recreation - 14 May 2014 A record number of Americans participated in at least one outdoor activity in 2013 with nearly 50 percent of all Americans aged six and older enjoying the outdoors. These findings are part of 2014 Outdoor Recreation Participation Topline Report (PDF), which tracks participation trends with a focus on youth, young adults and the future of the outdoors. (Outdoor Foundation)Promoting sport and recreation in forests - 8 May 2014 (PDF) This is an easy-to-read guide to many of the sport and recreation activities that take place, or could take place, within the British Public Forest Estate. It includes information on mountain boarding, archery, orienteering and other sports. (Sport and Recreation Alliance)Building and sustaining support for national parks in the 21st century: why and how to save the national park experience from extinction - 2013 (PDF) Understanding and enhancing societal support for national parks is critical for their survival globally, especially in the uncertain and rapidly changing economic and political environment of the 21st century. This paper argues that the continuing availability of a diversity of visitor experiences in national parks is essential. (Southern Cross University)Consortium created between three New Zealand outdoor recreation organisations - 4 May 2014 Federated Mountain Clubs, New Zealand Deerstalkers Association and Trail Fund have signed a Heads of Agreement establishing a consortium that has submitted a substantial bid to the Community Conservation Partnership Fund. (Federated Mountain Clubs)

High Performance

International expert to help kiwis keep winning on the world stage - 27 May 2014 High Performance Sport New Zealand has announced that Australian Mike McGovern will take up the role of General Manager Performance and Strategic Investment. McGovern was recently with the Australian Institute of Sport where he led the team responsible for high performance strategy, performance planning and programme delivery. (High Performance Sport New Zealand)World Cup campaign review completed - 8 May 2014 New Zealand Football CEO Andy Martin has now received the independent review of the All Whites 2014 World Cup campaign prepared by Stephen Cottrell of Cottsport following extensive research and confidential contributions from many stakeholders including players, team management, the Professional Footballers Association and Sport NZ. (NZ Football) Match fixing and betting policy likely Olympic requirement - 7 May 2014 New Zealand Olympic Committee Board member and chair of the organisation's Integrity Working Group, Liz Dawson, has signalled that by 2016 all sports will need to implement a sports match-fixing and betting policy in order to be eligible for the Olympic Games in Rio. (NZOC)Oceania Games set to replace Pacific Games on calendar - 3 May 2014 A new competition involving the entire region's countries, including Australia and New Zealand, is set to replace the Pacific Games after the Organisation of Sport Federations of Oceania gave their support to the proposal at the Oceania National Olympic Committees General Assembly in Guam. (insidethegames)Local businesses welcome IRB Junior World Championship 2014 - 23 May 2014 Auckland business associations are pulling out all stops to welcome visiting teams of the IRB Junior World Championship 2014. The future stars of world rugby - 336 players in 12 teams - are arriving for the seventh IRB Junior World Championship, which kicks-off on Monday, 2 June. (Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development) Threat of empty seats at Glasgow 2014 with many tickets unsold - 26 May 2014 Empty seats across venues at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games could become a reality, with nine sports, and the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, showing "high availability" for tickets. (insidethegames)Glasgow 2014 sends out ambitious £30,000 digital sprint challenge - 17 Apr 2014 “The Glasgow 2014 Digital Sprintâ€ù, launched by Glasgow 2014 is an invitation for the digital business community to develop new ways to engage with the biggest sporting and cultural event in Scotland's history. (Glasgow 2014)Record World Cup numbers for FIFA - 23 May 2014 The 2014 World Cup is the most valuable, lucrative and expensive in FIFA history. Record numbers include a $US35 million prize to the winning team's federation, $US4 billion commercial revenue for FIFA and a $US14 billion bill for Brazil. With three million tickets available to buy, the 64-match tournament is almost sold out. (SportsFan)

Organisational Capability

Managing stakeholder relationships in conjunction with a public health agenda: A case study of community sport events in New Zealand - 2014 The stereotypical realm of taboo sport sponsorship, which has traditionally included tobacco and alcohol products, is evolving to incorporate soft drink, confectionary and fast food. A qualitative research method focussed on four New Zealand based community sport events which were examined as case studies. (Griffith University)Alcohol and junk food advertising and promotion through sport - March 2013 This research identified the amount, and classified the nature of alcohol and junk food advertising and promotion through sport on broadcast television in Victoria. It affirms that exposure to junk food and alcohol advertising is significantly higher during sports broadcasts than other programming. (VicHealth)Richmond Tigers launch research backing women in sport leadership roles - 21 Apr 2014 The Richmond Football Club, in conjunction with the Australian Sports Commission and the AFL, have commissioned a research project that will look specifically at how the game can become better at inviting women into the industry and driving genuine change in female engagement across the board. (Australasian Leisure Management)2013 Sportspeople workplace survey - 1 May 2014 (PDF) This Australian survey shows more males (31.8%) than females (18.7%) earned salaries in excess of A$80,000 in 2013. The findings are consistent with trends since 2003, although the gap has grown slightly for men since 2011. (Sportspeople)AFL websites and apps experience strong growth - 5 May 2014 Traffic to official AFL websites and apps is growing at more than twice the rate this year as experienced across the 2013 season, with strong increases on mobile platforms in particular. The AFL Media unit, which provides the content to the central AFL website and apps now has more than 100 journalists, editors and producers working for it. (The Australian Financial Review)Australian sport earns A$3.4BN as TV rights look set to rise - 11 Apr 2014 Broadcast rights for domestic sporting events have driven an annual compound revenue growth rate for Australia's sports administrative services of 6.5% over the past five years, reaching A$3.4 billion in 2013-2014, estimates IBISWorld Industry. (Rapid TV News)

Sports Science and Technology

New concussion test focuses on eyes - 22 Apr 2014 In studies relevant to the gridiron and other contact sports, researchers hope to use a new test based on eye movements to increase accurate diagnosis of concussions. The research involves the use of high-speed digital photography to analyse a patient's tracking of dots of light or other visual stimuli. (Athletic Business)Exercising in the heat? Cool down for better performance - 30 Apr 2014 Using cold water, ice baths or ice vests before or during a workout in the heat helps athletes perform better, according to a new review. Cooling techniques may reduce the amount of energy the body needs to use to stay cool, leaving more energy for the exercise itself. (Reuters)The art and science of tapering - 25 Apr 2014 A taper is a period of reduced training volume and increased training intensity that occurs prior to a competition. The objective of a taper is to remove or decrease the athlete's training stress to facilitate a delayed training effect where the body continues to adapt as fatigue dissipates, allowing the full fitness effect of the training period to be realised. (iRun)Sports injury profile of competitive waka ama paddlers in New Zealand - 2013 (PDF) Using a self-reported retrospective cohort analysis this research describes the type, frequency, severity, causative mechanisms, and exposure risk of injuries amongst competitive waka ama paddlers in New Zealand. (New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy)2013 AFL injury survey - 6 May 2014 (PDF) This survey tracks injury rates across the AFL competition. There were increases in overall injury incidence, prevalence and recurrence rates for the 2013 season, but no significant statistical change in the three year-period 2011-2013, compared to the previous three-year period. (AFL)Sleep in elite athletes and nutritional interventions to enhance sleep - May 2014 (PDF) Recent evidence, as well as anecdotal information, suggests that athletes may experience a reduced quality and/or quantity of sleep. In this review, the factors influencing sleep quality and quantity in athletic populations are examined and the potential impact of nutritional interventions is considered. (Springer)Nutrition and recovery needs of the basketball athlete - 2013 (PDF) This publication contains nutrition and hydration recommendations to help the basketball athlete achieve their performance and recovery goals. (Gatorade Sports Science Institute)Independent Observer Report for 2014 Olympic Winter Games - 13 May 2014 (PDF) In accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code, WADA is invited by the International Olympic Committee to send an Independent Observer Team to all Olympic Games, and deliver a final report on the effectiveness of the programme and any recommendations for its improvement. (WADA)

Off the Bench: Coach Development

The Coaching Panel - a review of coaches and coaching in 2014 - 2014 This report provides the results from a survey of 1,200 coaches in the UK. It includes information on demographics, qualifications, support and development. (sportscoach UK) The power of good team culture - 17 Feb 2014 Teams that encourage individualism along with a sense of belonging to the larger group are likelier to succeed. Players are often encouraged to consciously display commitment to the team, but how important is that for the bigger cause? (ESPN Sports Media) Promoting and supporting coaches' professional learning: developing a community of practice - February 2014 These articles are drawn from a three-year Coach Accelerator Programme project in New Zealand. The second article evaluates the professional development programme designed to enhance and accelerate high performance coaches' learning. (Journal of Athlete Centered Coaching)Match-day coaching: using an athlete-centred approach - July 2013 (PDF) This Auckland Sport article looks at what an athlete-centred coaching approach is and how it can be used on match-day. It looks at available coaching styles and how they relate to the purpose of coaching. (Auckland Cricket)First Women in Coaching Community event a success - 2 Apr 2014 The future is bright for the Women in Coaching Community (WCC) concept after the successful hosting of an inaugural event. WCC is a joint initiative of several sporting organisations, including the Greater Auckland Coaching Unit and AUT University. (Auckland Football Federation)AIS commences new Podium Coach development programme for 2014 - 1 Apr 2014 The Podium Coach programme will feature some of Australia's best coaches as participants, and has a focus on their personal development. It gives top coaches the opportunity to collaborate, share and innovate across the sports and have access to world best approaches to learning and development. (Australian Institute of Sport)Andy Flower among those selected to UK Sport's flagship coach development programme - 5 Mar 2014 Nine of the UK's top high performance coaches have been chosen to be part of the second intake of UK Sport's World Class Coaching: Elite Programme, which will allow unparalleled access to world-leading expertise, technology and experience. The programme's delivery will be highly bespoke, designed to meet the needs of every individual coach and sport. (UK Sport)

Useful Weblinks

New Zealand Coach New Zealand Coach is an online magazine published by Sport New Zealand.Coaches Plan Magazine - April 2014 The latest edition includes articles on nurturing healthy body image in athletes, learning from the feminine approach to sport and competition, making ethical calls as a coach, how to kick-start coaching and being a coach developer. (Coaches Plan)Sportscoach UK primary school head teachers web portal This site has a range of guidance, tools and resources to support head teachers to ensure sustainable use of recent British funding for PE. These resources have been created in partnership with the Association for Physical Education, Sport England and the Youth Sport Trust, enabling head teachers to have reliable, technical, objective advice. (sports coach UK)

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