Relay - 28 May 2015
Relay - 28 May 2015
In this Relay
- Young People
- Community Sport and Recreation
- Outdoor Recreation
- High Performance
- Organisational Capability
- Sports Science and Technology
- Off the Bench: Annual Reports
- Useful Weblinks
Young People
More Wellington kids riding bikes - 25 Mar 2015 Wellington City Council will be the first local body to fully fund and manage the implementation of Bikes in Schools projects at three Wellington schools. (Wellington City Council) Cultural tradition meets "simple sporting fun" - 26 Mar 2015 South Canterbury schools have embraced a traditional ball game that brings together cultural values, fast-paced play and simple sporting fun. (Sport Canterbury) Research investigating adolescent girls' sport - 25 Feb 2015 A University of Canterbury doctoral sports student is investigating what factors make sport enjoyable enough for adolescent girls to keep them involved in sporting activity. (University of Canterbury) Correlates of youth sport attrition: a review and future directions - 2014 (PDF) This Canadian review identifies correlates of youth sport attrition and frames them within a multi-level model of youth sport participation. It found that overall established correlates of youth sport attrition are largely social in nature. (Dalhousie University) Adolescent girls' motivation to engage in various physical activity environments - April 2015 (PDF) This Canadian article summarises a qualitative study that explored psychosocial factors related to adolescent girls' motivation to engage in physical activity within the contexts of physical education, organised sport, and leisure time. (Alberta Centre for Active Living) How adolescent subjective health and satisfaction with weight and body shape are related to participation in sports - 12 Jun 2014 (PDF) This Norwegian study found that physical exercise is positively related to self-reported health but has negative associations with body image for many adolescents. (Journal of Environmental and Public Health) Social media puts body-conscious girls off sport - 7 Oct 2014 A growing number of teenage girls are shying away from sports in high school because Facebook and Instagram are making them self-conscious about their bodies, a recent Australian study reveals. (Flinders University) New research shows seven is heaven for girls and sports - 27 Mar 2015 New research (PDF) published by the UK Government Equalities Office confirms that 7-8 years old is a critical age in keeping girls motivated to play sport. Beyond this age, girls become more self-conscious, lose confidence and many stop participating in sport. (GOV.UK)
Community Sport and Recreation
Gender equity assessment tools - 17 Mar 2015 Two targeted gender equity assessment tools are available to help community sport and physical activity providers (PDF), as well as sport clubs and provincial sport organisations (PDF), take action to actively engage women and girls as participants and leaders. (Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity) Play.Sport.Australia. new participation platform - 25 Mar 2015 Australia has launched Play.Sport.Australia, a new national policy platform which aims to improve participation in organised sport by better engagement with the community, stronger governance for sports and innovative ways to improve their long-term financial sustainability. (Australian Sports Commission) Good sports: skin in the game - 4 Dec 2014 From playgrounds to recreation centres, climbing walls to swimming pools, local authorities are major players in the sport and recreation game. This article argues for better collaboration between territorial authorities and the sports sector. (Local Government Magazine) Safer journeys for people who cycle - December 2014 (PDF) This is the report of the Cycling Safety Panel, created in response to the 2013 Coronial Inquiry which investigated 13 recent cycling fatalities. The Panel was tasked with recommendations for how central and local government can ensure on-road cycling is provided as a safe transport option. (Safer Journeys) Walking and cycling - the need for more ambitious goals and more spending - 9 Mar 2015 This submission to the Greater Wellington Regional Council on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan argues that to support future sustainable development of the region and a transformation to a low-carbon economy, a critical element is planning to support public transport, walking and cycling networks. (New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine) Impact evaluation of adult cycle training through the AustCycle programme 2010 - 2013 - October 2013 (PDF) AustCycle was selected to deliver programmes to adults across Australia who were not predominantly in the paid workforce. This evaluation collected national data for the period of June 2010 to June 2013 relating to adult participation in their cycle training programmes. (AustCycle) She Rides gets women back on bikes - 21 Jan 2015 Cycling Australia's new She Rides initiative will help hundreds of Australian women regain riding skills, improve their fitness and create a social network of friends in their local community. (Cycling Australia) British Government plan to get more people cycling - 17 Oct 2014 The British Government has outlined draft plans (PDF) to double cycling by 2025 and to explore how further funding can be generated for cycle schemes across England. (Sport and Recreation Alliance) Benefits of investing in cycling - 16 Oct 2014 (PDF) This British report identifies that moving a country towards a higher rate of use of the bicycle as a regular mode of transport produces positive health, economic and environmental outcomes, and in general makes cities more liveable. (British Cycling)
Outdoor Recreation
Meet the outdoor recreation subcommittee - 20 Mar 2015 The outdoor recreation subcommittee has been established to advise and provide recommendations to the NZRA Board and Outdoor Recreation Project Manager Kim Willemse on key priorities relating to the leadership, advocacy, and capability needs of the outdoor recreation sector. (NZ Recreation) Frockers rock on mountain bikes - 24 Mar 2015 Frocks on Bikes is a dedicated biking network across Australasia aimed at women of all ages and shapes and sizes, says Meg Christie, coordinator of the organisation's Christchurch faction. (Bike Wise) Identifying preferences for booked DOC facilities in New Zealand - July 2014 This research aimed to identify how DOC could best meet New Zealanders needs using booked or non-booked accommodation. The study used a mixed method approach, comprising focus groups and surveys. (Sport and Recreation Knowledge Library) Active NZ survey highlights Kiwi love of the outdoors - 1 Apr 2015 In this column New Zealand Walking Access Commission Chief Executive comments on how New Zealanders' love of outdoor recreation shines through in the recently released results of Sport NZ's 2013-14 Active NZ Survey (PDF). (New Zealand Walking Access Commission) Sea Change - Tai Timu Tai Pari summer survey 2014 -2015: results and analysis - 29 Jan 2015 (PDF) ‘Our Gulf, Our Future, Your Voice' was the message posted around the Gulf across the summer of 2014-2015. The wider public was invited to add their voice through six summer surveys, and 1602 respondents took the opportunity to do just that. (Sea Change - Tai Timu Tai Pari) Te ara whanui o Rangit?iki - pathways of the Rangit?iki: river document - February 2015 (PDF) Prepared by the Rangit?iki River Forum - a partnership between iwi and local councils - this document will guide future management of the Rangit?iki river catchment through the vision, desired outcomes and objectives for the river and its land. (Bay of Plenty Regional Council) New Zealand's first certified international park professionals - 1 Oct 2014 Chris Rutherford was among the first in the world to receive the designation of Certified International Park Professional, the highest accreditation that can be achieved through the International Federation of Parks and Recreation Administration Academy. (NZ Recreation Association) Research on identifying water values wins award - 3 Mar 2015 Lincoln University researcher Dr Sini Miller's doctoral thesis has earned her a top accolade by identifying how much people are willing to pay for clean water. Her thesis involved asking the general public to consider trade-offs across different environmental, social/recreational, M?ori cultural and employment outcomes related to water use. (Lincoln University)
High Performance
ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 breaking records and capturing hearts - 28 Mar 2015 ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 has been a record-breaking tournament and has cemented the event's position as one of the most popular sporting spectacles in the world, according to released statistics. (ICC Cricket World Cup 2015) Terrorism, rugby, and hospitality: she'll be right - 2014 (PDF) This exploratory New Zealand study investigates the attitudes of hotel managers and staff as they prepared to host spectators, rugby teams and media personnel for the Rugby World Cup 2011. The aim of the study was to determine preparedness for an attack, and assess attitudes and approaches to risk management in relation to terrorism. (AUT) The Gold Framework - 26 Mar 2015 (PDF) This document sets out how the UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport and UK Sport jointly work, under a single framework, to provide support to a range of major sporting events in the UK. It contains advice on bidding, hosting, evaluation and legacy delivery, as well as case studies. (GOV.UK) IAAF launches new bidding platform for host cities - 29 Jan 2015 The International Association of Athletics Federations has launched its new online platform for potential host cities of its World Athletics Series events. It will allow cities to access the latest information about bidding for IAAF events as well as best practices from past and future host cities. (The International Association of Athletics Federations) Olympic Stadium set for historic first - 19 Feb 2015 The Barbarians and Samoa will go head to head at London's Olympic Stadium on 29 August in a historic first-ever rugby match at the Rugby World Cup 2015 venue. The match is part of England Rugby 2015's testing programme and will allow the organisers to trial aspects of match day delivery. (Rugby World Cup 2015) The Athlete Friendly Network announced - 2 Feb 2015 High Performance Sport New Zealand has a new initiative called the Athlete Friendly Network, which is a community of businesses with a shared interest in helping New Zealand's best athletes win on the world stage. (High Performance Sport New Zealand) Women still not given a sporting chance to appear in back page headlines - 13 Mar 2014 The amount of column inches devoted to women's sport in British national papers has actually decreased from the level it was at prior to the 2012 Olympic Games, University of Birmingham researchers have established. (University of Birmingham) No lasting legacy: no change in reporting of women's sports in the British print media with the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics - 11 Mar 2014 (PDF) The proportion of media sports coverage devoted to women is reported at between 1 and 6 percent. This English survey examines and compares reporting patterns before and after the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. (Journal of Public Health)
Organisational Capability
Awards recognise outstanding achievement in sport and recreation - 14 Apr 2015 Excellence and outstanding achievement in sport and recreation in New Zealand were recently recognised at the annual Sport and Recreation Awards ceremony in Auckland. (Sport NZ) Measuring the impact of ‘leadership, context, the nature of the event and induced event experience' on brand creation for the Sevens Wellington Rugby Tournament: “How do we conceptualise and measure the brand of a recurring international sports event?â€ù - 3 Mar 2015 (PDF) This New Zealand research seeks to understand the broader issue of brand creation and brand identity for the Sevens tournament and aims to provide qualitative and empirical insights that will influence the continued evolution and strategic management of the brand. (Victoria University of Wellington) Sport and entertainment review magazine - February 2015 (PDF) A US journal featuring key issues facing executives in the world of sport and entertainment, this inaugural edition looks at strategies to build brands, referencing a New Zealand study, and the value of economic impact studies for events. (FiT Publishing) The dawn of marketing's new golden age - February 2015 Marketers are boosting their precision, broadening their scope, moving more quickly, and telling better stories. (McKinsey & Company) 3 simple elements of the nominated ‘Show Your Colours' campaign - 1 Mar 2015 The International Tennis Federation launched a simple yet effective campaign last year to engage fans. It is one of six shortlisted for a Sport Industry Award for best international marketing campaign. (Score and Change) Support for women leaders in Australian sport - 2 Apr 2015 More than 700 women from 31 different sports will be supported to reach their leadership potential through the Australian Federal Government's Women Leaders in Sport programme. (Department of Health Australia) New report shows UK sport sector is leading the charge towards good governance - 27 Jan 2015 Birkbeck University has carried out an independent study (PDF) on the impact the Voluntary Code of Good Governance has had on the organisations that signed up to it. (Sport and Recreation Alliance, UK)
Sports Science and Technology
New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals highlights the need to be physically prepared for sport - 25 Mar 2015 With the winter sport season commencing, the New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals has issued advice that aims to reduce sporting injuries. (Australasian Leisure Management) Coaches - nutrition and your team - 25 Feb 2015 (AUDIO 66 minutes) This webinar looks at key concepts of nutrition, common myths and misconceptions, fuelling, recovery and eating on the road. (SIRC) Nutrition intervention for an international-standard female football player - December 2014 (PDF) This British case study reports a nutrition intervention to improve behaviour, body composition and performance for a semi-professional international-standard female football player. (Journal of Applied Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Science) A look at the evolution of sports nutrition starting with Serena Williams - 6 Mar 2015 This article summarise three of the biggest breakthroughs in sports nutritional technology in the last few years. (sporttechie) Research helping to improve technology in cycling - 19 Jan 2015 A University of Canterbury postgraduate student's cutting-edge sports technology research, working with elite athletes, can be applied to many other sports. (University of Canterbury) Hot headgear to hit the slopes - 17 Feb 2015 Tech-loving snowboarders and skiers will get a head start with the world's first intelligent snow sports helmet. (University of NSW) Muscle oxygen changes following sprint interval cycling training in elite field hockey players - 25 Mar 2015 (PDF) Near infrared spectroscopy is able to provide information about the changes in oxygenation and haemodynamics in muscle tissue based on the oxygen dependent characteristics of near infrared light. This technique was used to examine the effects of sprint interval cycling on muscle oxygenation kinetics and performance. (PLOS ONE) Spoilsport: science stops play - 9 Feb 2015 (AUDIO 28 minutes) New evidence that head knocks and head bangs could be causing an early onset dementia called chronic traumatic encephalopathy, has sent shock waves through sport. This report looks at the short term and long term dangers of repeated concussions. (BBC)
Off the Bench: Annual Reports
New Zealand Walking Access Commission annual report 2013-2014 - 29 Oct 2014 (PDF) This report documents the Commission's performance for the year and its progress towards the objectives outlined in its Statement of Intent 2013-2016 and National Strategy 2010-2035. (New Zealand Walking Access Commission) New Zealand Recreation Association annual report 2013/2014 - October 2014 (PDF) This report reviews the first full year since the review to the constitution in 2012, which led to a new structure and election process. (New Zealand Recreation Association) Sport Gisborne Tair?whiti annual report 2013-2014 - 8 Sep 2014 (PDF) This organisation reports continued growth as a recognised national leader achieving a wide spectrum of outcomes in the areas of sport, health, education, and community development. (Sport Gisborne Tair?whiti) Sport Manawatu annual report 2014 - 6 Sep 2014 (PDF) Implementing the last year of its 2010-2013 strategic plan, Sport Manawatu reports on its 2014-19 plan, which has three strategic aims: more kids, more adults, and more game makers.. (Sport Manawatu) Sport Northland annual report 2013-2014 - June 2014 In the 4th year of its strategic plan, Sport Northland reports working in a targeted way with regional sports organisations, sports clubs, schools and communities throughout the region. (Sport Northland) New Zealand Cricket annual report 2014 - 23 Oct 2014 A newly-structured selection system and revamped high performance programme are reported as contributing to New Zealand Cricket's most successful season. (New Zealand Cricket) New Zealand Football annual report 2013 - 28 Sep 2014 (PDF) This report notes that extra funding from High Performance Sport New Zealand increased revenue significantly and the overall result exceeded budget by some $5.82m. (New Zealand Football) Netball New Zealand annual report 2014 - 28 Feb 2015 (PDF) Participation levels reported in this document show netball is as the largest women's team sport in New Zealand by some considerable margin. (Netball New Zealand) Softball New Zealand annual report 2013/2014 - 6 Sep 2014 (PDF) This report notes Softball New Zealand's men's programme continues to produce results on the world stage and provides the sport with opportunities to market their world champions domestically to grow the sport at grass roots level. (Softball New Zealand)
Useful Weblinks
New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association This is the qualification body for nine outdoor activities or disciplines. Relevant NZOIA qualifications are prerequisites for employment in the NZ outdoor sector. Generate Network This Australasian network's purpose is to provide a collective voice, evoking change and supporting development opportunities for young adults working in the environmental and recreation sector. The job I love: outdoor recreation guide This video from Service Skills Australia provides a career profile of an outdoor recreation guide. WORD WORD is a registered non-profit organisation all about encouraging kids to enjoy mountain biking. Founded in 2013 its mission is to build confidence, encourage new friendships, and foster a lifelong love of mountain biking.