Relay - 25 August 2014
Relay - 25 August 2014
In this Relay
- Young People
- Community Sport and Recreation
- Outdoor Recreation
- High Performance
- Organisational Capability
- Sports Science and Technology
- Off the Bench: Annual Reports
Young People
A boost for Hockey Marlborough - 9 Jun 2014 Hockey Marlborough is trying a fresh approach to attracting teenagers to the game. It has launched a new project called Renegade Hockey aimed at year 9-13 youths who aren't playing any sport. (Sport Tasman) Global game rising locally - June 2014 The numbers of local youngsters chasing their own football dreams continues to swell as New Zealand children turn to the world's most popular sport. (NZ Football) Changing the culture of youth sports - August 2014 (PDF) Safe Kids Worldwide surveyed 1,000 young athletes, 1,005 coaches and 1,000 parents and found an alarming gap in what is being done to keep young athletes safe while playing sports. This report outlines strategies for improvement. (Safe Kids Worldwide) Changing the Game in youth sport - April 2014 (VIDEO 14 minutes) This TEDtalk discusses the current culture in youth sports and the resultant drop-out rates. It looks at the emphasis on winning that undermines children's enjoyment of the game and how using five simple words can improve the environment. (Changing the Game Project) Recommendations for communities - helping community leaders establish a strong and positive youth sports culture - 1 May 2014 (PDF) This US document addresses how communities can deliver a fun and stress-free playing environment for youngsters to overcome problems such as over-aggressive parents and win-at-all-cost youth coaches. (National Alliance for Youth Sports, US) Parents' perspectives and young athletes' perceptions of social support - 2014 (PDF) This study examines experiences of elite tennis players' parents, social support they provided to their children, and athletes' perceptions of influences of their parents' support. The findings revealed some gaps between providers' and receivers' perspectives. (National Center for Biotechnology Information) The Enhancement Programme Sports Module 2014 report - 2 Jul 2014 (PDF) The Papatoetoe's Principal Association began a sports enhancement and challenge programme for identified students in 2003. The aim of this programme is to provide new sporting opportunities to the participants involved. This report provides a snapshot for the participating schools and providers. (Sport and Recreation Knowledge Library) London children 'willing to spend an extra hour in school if they can use it to play sport' - 15 Apr 2014 A survey of London school children has found almost half would be willing to spend an extra hour in school a day if it meant they could play more sport. (London Evening Standard) Contributions of after-school programmes to the development of fundamental movement skills in children - 2014 The results of this study suggest that after school programmes with a low-organised games-based focus may support a moderate improvement in fundamental movement skills proficiency in young children. (International Journal of Exercise Science) Doping unchecked in athletes as young as 12, research shows - 8 Jul 2014 The use of performance enhancing drugs is prevalent and unmonitored in junior elite athletes as young as 12, according to Australian research from a three-year study of more than 900 junior athletes. (Griffith University)
Community Sport and Recreation
Understanding Tamaki recreation centre catchment and users - September 2013 (PDF) This report documents a survey of recreation centre users and will inform the region-wide community facilities programme, future expenditure and operational activities. (Tamaki Recreation Centre) Fairer distribution of pokies funding sought - 11 Aug 2014 Auckland Council is calling for government to amend regulations so that proceeds from pokies are distributed more fairly to Auckland communities. (Auckland Council) Parks for sport and recreation - third phase evaluation of impact research report - 3 Jun 2014 (PDF) Participant observations and interviews with key stakeholders about the impact of parks in three low socio-economic areas of Hamilton form the basis of this report, which can be downloaded by clicking on the PDF icon. (Wintec) Adapting sports to lifestyles of girls and women is key - 25 Jul 2014 The British Culture, Media and Sport Committee has expressed concern about the long-term health and social care implications of low participation rates in sport by women and girls. In a recent report the Committee urges a more imaginative approach to engaging women in sport. (UK Parliament) The role of coaching in participation - briefing paper - 2014 This sportscoach UK briefing note (PDF) summarises the value of coaching in helping people to play sport and stay involved. (sportscoach UK) Sport volunteering by adults in Northern Ireland 2012/13 - 5 Dec 2013 (PDF) Based on findings from the Northern Ireland Continuous Household Survey, this bulletin includes analysis on volunteering benefits and encouraging volunteering. (Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure, Northern Ireland) Why do sports officials drop out? - 2013 (PDF) Results from this study show that intention to drop out among sports officials is related to the main motivation for which they begin officiating: obligation and needs of their sport association to have a sport official. (HAL archives) Boomers building muscle at the gym - 5 Aug 2014 A recent study investigates motivations for exercise, and finds that interest in exercise for recreation declines with age. (Concordia University)
Outdoor Recreation
Outdoor recreation groups welcome major funding boost - 5 Aug 2014 (PDF) A consortium representing over 30,000 trampers, hunters, mountaineers and mountain bikers have welcomed the announcement of major funding to assist its volunteers maintain backcountry huts, tracks and facilities. (Deerstalkers' Association) OutdoorsMark update - 9 July 2014 Skills Active has taken over the OutdoorsMark programme from Outdoors New Zealand and now has their own dedicated team running the audit system based in Wellington. (Skills Active Aotearoa) Co-governance and co-management of parks and environments hui - 1 Jul 2014 A Wellington hui explored models that foster collaboration, build respect and facilitate the sharing of knowledge. Together indigenous groups, park agencies, policy makers and other organisations involved in land and marine management identified common challenges and generated solutions for the future. Presentations are available to download. (Parks Forum) World first for Skyline Rotorua MTB Gravity Park - 8 Aug 2014 The world's first year-round, gondola accessed mountain bike park has been officially opened at Skyline Rotorua. (Endurance Sport NZ) Sport England teams up with the Outdoor Industries Association partners to deliver new outdoor activity research project - 29 Jul 2014 The partnership will help Sport England and the overall industry gain understanding of the outdoor physical activity market in order to retain existing participants as well as attracting new regular participants to outdoors activity. (Sport England) MyParkScotland is Rethinking Parks trailblazer - 10 Jul 2014 MyParkScotland is a new project which will help people discover and support their local parks. The web-based platform combines elements of crowdfunding with an investment strategy to develop longer term sustainability and endowment funds. (greenspace scotland) Analysing the mediators between nature-based outdoor recreation and emotional well-being - 13 Nov 2013 (PDF) This study investigated whether there is a relationship between the average time used for active nature-based recreation and emotional well-being and whether it is mediated through restorative experiences, social company and the perceived duration of the most recent nature-based recreation visit. (Journal of Environmental Psychology)
High Performance
Major Events Fund invests in Winter Games NZ - 8 Aug 2014 The Major Events Fund is investing $1.5 million in Winter Games New Zealand 2015 and $1.25 million in Winter Games New Zealand 2017. (NZ Government) What influenced Scotland's Games medal haul? - 4 Aug 2014 Scotland has managed to catapult itself to fourth place in the Commonwealth Games medal table, from 10th in 2010. Was this success simply down to a home crowd? (BBC) Glasgow 2014 in numbers - 9 Aug 2014 Glasgow 2014 has revealed that 96 per cent of tickets were sold for the Commonwealth Games, while a survey of 20,000 spectators claimed that 91 per cent of fans were satisfied with the event, commonly described as "fantastic, exciting and fun". (inside the games) Ambitious 2014 performance targets revealed by UK Sport on the Road to Rio - 20 Jun 2014 Britain's high-performance sports agency has revealed the key competitions that sports and athletes will be contesting around the world this year, and the performance targets they will be looking to achieve. (UK Sport) Rio 2016 releases calendar of pre-Games events - 4 Aug 2014 The Rio 2016 Organising Committee has unveiled a draft calendar (PDF) of 45 elite-level sporting events to be hosted during the build-up to the 2016 Olympic Games, which will allow Rio to test its Games' plans and operations. (Olympic Movement) Putting athletes in charge: a radical new proposal - 28 Jul 2014 A new charter for Australian athletes (PDF) has been released (but not yet implemented) that could radically change the way sport is managed, centring on a demand that sportsmen and women be a key part of solutions to major issues in sport, such as governance, integrity and trust. (ABC) New group established will allow players to have more say - 7 Aug 2014 The International Rugby Players Association together with the IRB have set up a Rugby Athletes Commission - a joint group of professional international rugby players from across the globe to provide an athlete perspective on issues. (Rugby Union Players' Association, Australia)
Organisational Capability
State of the Unions - breaking the advantage line - August 2014 (PDF) This report examines the annual financial accounts of the 14 semi-professional and amateur rugby unions competing in the ITM Cup and shows an overall improvement in financial performance in 2013. (Deloitte) Four cornerstones of digital strategy - 2014 (PDF) This white paper, prepared for Australia's governing sporting organisations, provides straightforward, practical tools to boost participation, streamline membership management and provide a strategy to unify the deployment of digital assets. (revolutioniseSPORT) How data analytics is driving sponsorship for Football NSW - 6 Aug 2014 The CEO of Football NSW talks about how data visualisation helps make a more compelling proposition when talking to sponsors, and is also helping the long-term future of the game. (CMO) The state of data in sports business - 13 May 2014 Those in sports business are constantly hearing about the importance of customer relationship management, Big Data, the need for systems integration, and the importance of automation. Is data-driven technology finally getting its day in the sun? (The Business of Sports) Big Data helps sports teams understand their customers - June 2014 The business of sports, especially customer relations management, is jumping headlong into what has come to be known as Big Data, and the technological advances that facilitate its collection and analysis. (Athletic Business) The role of innovation in sport - 16 Jul 2014 Innovation, Big Data and digital are the current ‘sweet spot' for enterprise. But, these three focal points are also the ‘sweet spot' for global sport. (Sports Business Insider) Revenue generation in sport - 24 Sep 2013 (AUDIO 1 Hour) This webinar focuses on sharing the reality, opportunity and risks associated with sponsorship and partnership revenue generation in sport. (SIRC) BT Sport and the Women's Sport Trust announce new partnership - 4 Aug 2014 The partnership will see both organisations creating platforms to showcase the best of women's sport, with co-branded programming, events and media coverage. (Sportsister)
Sports Science and Technology
Present and future impacts of nanotechnology in sports - 15 Jul 2014 Tennis, skiing, swimming, cycling and golf have all experienced the nanotech revolution, mainly for performance enhancement. Now, sports like football are toying with nano-possibilities, but for vastly different reasons. (sporttechie) Research on wearable devices in sports and fitness 2014 - 2019 - 19 Jun 2014 This article reviews a report which provides an in-depth assessment of the wearable devices market in sports and fitness applications. (Just in Time News) Athlete burnout: is the type of sport a factor? - 25 Apr 2014 This US study determines the level of burnout in female collegiate athletes based on their sport of choice. (Sport Journal) Health in elite sports from a salutogenetic perspective: athletes' sense of coherence - 11 Jul 2014 (PDF) Considering the high number of stressors encountered in the context of elite sports, a high sense of coherence is crucial to allow athletes to maintain their health from both short- and long-term perspectives. (PLOS ONE) The benefits of cryotherapy - 22 Jul 2014 At its most basic, cryotherapy uses extremely cold temperatures to aid the treatment of a wide range of injuries. But cryotherapy offers much more. (Sports Surgery Clinic) A randomised trial of pre-exercise meal composition on performance and muscle damage in well-trained basketball players - 25 Jun 2014 (PDF) The New Zealand study answers the question; would pre-exercise protein intake enhance performance or attenuate muscle damage during a basketball simulation test? (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition) Chicken essence improves exercise performance and ameliorates physical fatigue - 18 Jul 2014 Chicken essence is a liquid nutritional supplement made from cooking whole chickens. This study evaluates its potential beneficial effects on fatigue and ergogenic functions following physical challenge in mice. Click on PDF tab to download full text. (Nutrients)
Off the Bench: Annual Reports
Sport New Zealand Annual Report 2013 - 20 Dec 2013 (PDF) This report outlines the year to June 2013 and notes that the success of the Sport NZ Group in achieving its strategic outcomes depends on the support of its partners in the sector, particularly National Sport and Recreation Organisations, Regional Sports Trusts and Local Authorities. (Sport New Zealand) Sport Bay of Plenty Annual Report 2012-2013 - 17 Sep 2013 (PDF) Highlights include a strategic review and consultation with key stakeholders and staff to create a new strategic plan that will provide the foundation for the next three year period. (Sport Bay of Plenty) Sport Waikato Annual Report 2013 (PDF) - 30 Jun 2013 Outlined are many community outreach programmes implementing different approaches to reduce barriers to participation in sport and physical activity throughout the east Hamilton area. Participation numbers are detailed for each programme. (Sport Waikato) New Zealand Rugby Union Annual Report 2013 - 27 Feb 2014 (PDF) New Zealand Rugby Union report on a very strong year and includes case studies covering the implementation of a positive sideline behaviour initiative and ratification of a collective employment agreement. (New Zealand Rugby Union) Hockey New Zealand Annual Report 2013 - 12 Mar 2014 (PDF) Four years into the Whole of Hockey Plan, Hockey NZ details the strengthening of national programmes and growth in capability. (Hockey NZ) Triathlon New Zealand Annual Report 2013 - 5 Sep 2013 (PDF) Tri NZ reports the 2012/13 year as a challenging but exciting year of reflection, re-positioning and change with a re-structured business to better deliver the 2020 Strategic Plan. (Triathlon New Zealand) New Zealand Olympic Committee Annual Report 2013 - 7 May 2014 (PDF) The key driver of a year of change was the Statement of Purpose 2013 - 2016 developed to define the core business and achieve greater alignment within the national high performance system. (New Zealand Olympic Committee) Federated Mountain Clubs of NZ Annual Report 2013 - 17 Jun 2014 (PDF) This report shows FMC is in a sound state financially and contributing strongly to positive outcomes for outdoor recreation. (Federated Mountain Clubs of NZ) Skills Active Aotearoa Annual Report 2013 - 2 May 2014 (PDF) Skills Active Aotearoa, New Zealand's Industry Training Organisation for the recreation, sport and fitness industries, outlines its achievements set against six strategic themes. (Skills Active Aotearoa) Auckland Council Annual Report 2012/2013 - 23 Oct 2013 This site provides a summary of the second full-year annual report after amalgamation and looks at progress in delivering the vision of the Auckland Plan. Full report downloads are available by scrolling down to the page bottom. (Auckland Council) Wellington City Council Annual Report 2012/2013 - 30 Jun 2013 (PDF) This report outlines the first year of implementation of the long-term plan, Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital, and includes details of progress under seven outcome headings. (Wellington City Council)
Useful Weblinks
Engineering Sport The site of the team at the Centre for Sports Engineering Research at Britain's Sheffield University. Includes blogs covering mechanical engineering projects such as aerodynamics, design, finite element analysis and technical performance analysis systems. Sports Discovery Sports Discovery is a UK-based organisation working with sports professionals from around the world to explore and advance cutting-edge sports science thinking. International Olympic Committee Athlete MOOC Olympic champions, world-renowned coaches, top academics and inspirational leaders have been brought together to teach subjects ranging from nutrition to sports management. Short courses are designed for elite athletes, delivered by experts in their field and are available online, upon registration. Please note, Relay intends to include a broad range of opinions. Not all of these are supported or endorsed by Sport NZ or reflective of Sport NZ policy. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented here, but we are not responsible for the content of external websites.