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Relay - 22 April 2014

14 June 2014

In this Relay

Young People

A defining time in health and physical education: proceedings of the 28th Australian Council of Health Physical Education and Recreation International Conference - 2013Some 23 full papers cover themes including coaching, the physical education syllabus, managing student performance anxiety in sport, sport-parents' roles, the effect of social media on female adolescent body image and PE class size. (Australian Council of Health Physical Education and Recreation) Why kids quit sports - 9 Apr 2014Of the 20 million kids in the U.S. that sign up yearly for team sports like hockey, soccer, and baseball, almost 70 percent will quit by the time they're 13. This article offers some insights into their reasons. (Active for Life)It's only a game? Competition in school sport under threat - 22 Apr 2014A generation of children are growing up aware that winning is important but admit that they wouldn't miss it if it was gone, according to research published by Marylebone Cricket Club and 'Chance to Shine' cricket charity. 64% of children admitted that they would be relieved, not bothered or happier if the competitive element was removed from sport. (Chance to Shine)Specialising in one sport as child no guarantee of future success - 10 Apr 2014Some parents and coaches think kids who focus on one sport early on will boost their chances of a college scholarship or pro career. But a new study of undergraduates at the University of California, Los Angeles casts doubt on that assumption. (MedlinePlus)The inactivity time bomb - April 2014 (PDF)This new report published by UK sports charity, StreetGames and the Centre for Economics and Business Research, is the first study to quantify the economic and social costs associated with physical inactivity specifically among young people in the UK. (StreetGames)A case study of a high school programme designed to teach athletes life skills and values - 2013The results of this study help administrators and coaches understand how high school sports can be practiced in an innovative manner and provide concrete examples of strategies to teach life skills and values. (Academia) The Ultimate Project- a sport and recreation outcome evaluation - 2013This project was created to address a lack things to do in the Hutt Valley and increase youth participation in non-traditional sport. The goal was to provide evidence of introducing healthy life messages to participants through engaging in social or competitive sport. (Regional Public Health)Skate parks get a good behaviour tick - 14 Apr 2014If you think kids at skate parks are likely getting up to no good, think again. Researchers have found skate parks are more likely to promote good behaviour, yet are often under threat from communities who fear anti-social behaviour. (The University of Western Australia)

Community Sport and Recreation

Organising a voluntary event: a 'can do' guide - 18 Jan 2014The British Cabinet Office worked with a range of civil society and government organisations to develop this guide to planning and running successful events with a minimum of red tape. Appropriate New Zealand regulations and bylaws should be adhered to. (GOV.UK) Sports clubs need to protect their data - 27 Jan 2014With registrations for winter sports about to start across Australia in the coming weeks, Sports Community is emphasising the link between well organised and maintained data and club success. This article includes a 'data health check' for club administrators. (Australasian Leisure Management)Study shows big events can boost sport participation - 18 Feb 2014When New Zealand triathlete Hamish Carter won gold at the 2004 Athens Olympics it provided a spark for more Kiwis to get involved with the sport. Massey University research shows how all sports could benefit from higher participation rates through major competitive events. (Massey University)Tackling physical inactivity - a coordinated approach - 8 Apr 2014 (PDF)This is the first of two reports from the Commission, which was set up in 2013. This sets out the scale and scope of the problem, mapping out the specific areas where change is needed. It recommends making physical activity a lifelong habit by providing early access to positive experiences for children in sports, physical education, and active play. (All-Party Commission on Physical Activity)Equestrian - a comparison of participation across six different countries - December 2013 (PDF) This report looks at participation in equestrian across six of the world's top equestrian nations (Spain, France, Great Britain, Germany and New Zealand). The report looks at participant demographics and motivation for participation. (gemba group) Where opportunity meets preparation - 21 Mar 2014ASB Premiership official Isaac Trevis is a poster child for New Zealand football's "Referee Pathway" initiative. (NZ Football)Text messaging helps track amateur sports injuries - 3 Feb 2014Whilst professional athletes receive top level care and management for their sporting injuries, the story is very different for recreational athletes. Until recently, there was little data available about injury rates among recreational athletes. Monash University has trialled text messaging as a means of reporting injuries among recreational athletes. (Monash University)

Outdoor Recreation

Walking Access Survey 2013 - August 2013 (PDF)This survey is designed to help assess the Commission's progress towards achieving the goals laid out in its Statement of Intent (PDF). The survey investigated the most common recreational activities undertaken by New Zealanders and their views and understanding of responsible behaviour when accessing the outdoors. (Walking Access NZ)Kahuterawa Outdoor Recreation Plan Part 2 - resources and context- 9 Apr 2014 (PDF)Outdoor recreation use of the Kahuterawa Valley has developed naturally due to its close proximity with Palmerston North and the variety of the opportunities present. This report provides a detailed analysis of the resources of the area, including extensive proposed track development. (Palmerston North City Council) New conservation fund to boost local projects - 4 Apr 2014The new Community Conservation Partnership Fund extends from biodiversity projects on private land to also cover community-led conservation projects on private and public land and waters. New Zealand Recreation and historic heritage projects will also be eligible for funding. (Department of Conservation) Queensland Adventure Activity Standards - artificial climbing - February 2014 (PDF)Artificial climbing occurs in environments that allow leaders to control aspects of the activity environment in which dependent participants climb. These standards outline best practice. (Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation)Mount surf reef to be removed - 16 Apr 2014Bay of Plenty Regional Council will partially remove the uncompleted Mount Maunganui surf reef because of its risk to swimmers near Tay Street. It was to be part of on-going research into artificial reef development by the University of Waikato, as well as providing a superior surf break for surfers. (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)Pathways to wellbeing - a national framework for recreation in Canada - April 2014 (PDF)Recreation provides multiple pathways to wellbeing for individuals, communities, and places and spaces in both outdoor and indoor environments. This paper and the National Framework for Recreation provides a foundation for reflection, discussion and the development of action plans. (Canadian Parks and Recreation Association)OnTrack - March 2014 (PDF)The newsletter of the New Zealand Mountain Safety Council - this edition introduces the new CEO, has news and views from regional branches, and features updates from programme managers such as the Avalanche and Alpine manager. (New Zealand Mountain Safety Council)Master leasing plans: a responsible process - January 2014 (PDF)The encroachment of energy development on lands near national parks has the potential to cause conflicts between extraction, recreation and conservation. The US Department of the Interior has a tool to deal with these potential conflicts before they occur: Master Leasing Plans. (National Parks Conservation Association US)

High Performance

Second Tour de France Grand Depart readiness report released - 21 Mar 2014The latest report into the preparations being made for the start of this year's Tour de France has been released. The readiness report is the latest produced by TdFHUB2014 Ltd, the UK government-created company overseeing planning and delivery of this year's race when it begins in Leeds in July. Reports can be downloaded by clicking links at the bottom. (UK Sport)Glasgow 2014 opens up opportunities through Supported Business Contracts - 28 Apr 2014Glasgow 2014 has announced around £1 million of Supported Business Contracts for the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow to assist employment of people with disabilities and a pathway into the open labour market. (Glasgow 2014)A More Active Scotland - building a legacy from the Commonwealth Games - 19 Feb 2014 (PDF)This new 10-year plan adapts key elements of the Toronto Charter for Physical Activity to Scotland, and links it directly to the Scottish Government's legacy ambitions for the Commonwealth Games. (The Scottish Government)International Rugby Board chief says Olympic rugby sevens debut at Rio 2016 could be compromised by delays - 16 Apr 2014 The most powerful executive in world rugby has urged those charged with delivering the 2016 Olympics to "get their skates on" amid fears over Brazil's ability to properly showcase his sport at the Games. (The Telegraph)International Hockey Federation announces format change set to improve hockey experience - 20 Mar 2014As of 1 September, major hockey events such as the Champions Trophy, Hockey World League Final and Rio 2016 Olympic Games will assume a new format of four 15-minute quarters. (International Hockey Federation) Eclectic group of sports set to make up programme for inaugural World Beach Games - 3 Apr 2014American football, cheerleading, dragon boat racing, flying disc, mini-golf and sport fishing are among the sports set to be included in the inaugural World Beach Games, which is expected to make its debut on the international calendar next year. (insidethegames)World Masters Games 2017 'three years to go' marked with key announcements - 30 Apr 2014With more athletes than the Olympics, the World Masters Games is the single biggest multisport event on earth. Now in 2017, the event will come to Auckland New Zealand. World Masters Games 2017 Chief Executive Jennah Wootten announced the 10 day event will be held in three years' time, from 21 to 30 April in 2017. The dates are during the school holidays and coincide with the tourism shoulder season. (World Masters Games 2017)Economic impact of upcoming FIFA competitions in Canada expected to exceed C$337 million - 3 Feb 2014The Canadian Soccer Association has released the preliminary economic impact projections for the FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup Canada 2014 and FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015. The initial projections indicate the two competitions will produce industry output of over C$337 million nationally. (SIRC)

Organisational Capability

The culture of alcohol promotion and consumption at major sports events in New Zealand - August 2013 (PDF)This report highlights the nature and profile of alcohol promotions at major sports events, people's sport?event?related drinking behaviour and the frequency and duration of alcohol?related images and crowd alcohol consumption at major sports events broadcast on the SKY Sport network. (Health Promotion Agency) Using social media as an effective recruitment tool for non-profits - 1 Aug 2013 (PDF)More candidates are using social media as part of their job-seeking strategy, and organisations are using even more varied social networking resources to recruit. Non-profits tend to be slower to use technology solutions, and to dedicate resources to human resources functions, including recruitment. (Nonprofit HR) Sports Management Magazine - July 2013 (PDF)This UK publication features articles on: how Paralympics GB has used social media; sustainability in the sports industry; growing climbing from the grassroots; and an interview with the new head of UK Sport. (Sports Management) Dedicated NBA online service for New Zealand - 11 Feb 2014Digital sports media company Perform and the National Basketball Association has agreed a multi-year partnership in New Zealand to provide an online service dedicated to New Zealand fans of the North American Basketball League. (Sports Business Insider)A new source of help: AthleteBiz - April 2014 (PDF)AthleteBiz is a US web platform to help track and field athletes raise their public profiles, attract new fans, and thus elevate their bottom lines. (Track & Field News)The world's top 10 most innovative companies in sports - Feb 14 2014Whether they're redefining ticket sales or building a stadium worthy of silicon valley, when it comes to the business of athletic entertainment, these companies are true game-changers. (Fast Company)The future of sport survey - April 2014 (PDF)This survey polled delegates at the recent SportAccord convention. While not a representative survey, the report provides insight and discussion into sport development, trends, drivers and challenges over the next 5 years. (Repucom)

Sports Science and Technology

What will sports look like in the future? - 7 Mar 2014Sports science journalist David Epstein, NFL punter Chris Kluwe and Cynthia Bir, lead scientist at ESPN's Sport Science, discuss the fine line of fairness when it comes to new science and technology in sports, and what each thinks competitions will look like 10 years from now. (TED Conferences) Sport Technology Awards (UK) - Apr 4 2014The inaugural Sports Technology Awards, with 400 industry professionals, celebrates the pinnacle of excellence within the innovative role that technology contributes to sport - for officials, trainers, players and fans. It includes categories like Best Technology in a Single SportBest Training Technology, Best Use of Technology Across Multiple Sports - Medical and Health. Detailed information about finalists is available by clicking the links. (Sport Technology Awards)The future of sport - 14 Apr 2014A collaboration to propel Spanish football towards being the leaders in the sport tech market has seen Atlético Madrid become the first football club to use Google Glass during a match. Through an app specifically designed for the wearable technology and football, Atletico coach Germán Burgos could view real-time game data that updated every 30 seconds. (thespmrkt)Performing in the 'zone': achieving the optimal performance state - Apr 2014 (PDF)Elite athletes who have attained an optimal performance often describe their subjective state as having been "in the zone". It is often reported as being comprised of a balance of excitement and awareness, involving deep concentration and full immersion in the activity where athletes exhibit high levels of skill mastery, self-confidence and an automaticity of performance. (Aspetar Sports Medicine Journal)Chris Jackson: former All White on his battles with depression - 28 Apr 2014 (AUDIO 26 minutes)Chris Jackson, former All White captain who has been part of a global survey of professional footballers by FifPro, the world players' union. The survey has revealed high rates of anxiety and depression among current and retired players. (Radio NZ National)Taking iron improves women's exercise performance, study shows - 11 Apr 2014Women who take iron supplements experience a marked improvement in their exercise performance, a new study shows. Women who were given iron were able to perform a given exercise using a lower heart rate and at a higher efficiency. (ScienceDaily)A comparison between the effects of a whey protein drink and trim milk on rehydration after exercise in the heat - November 2013The macronutrient and electrolyte concentration of the fluid ingested following exercise can affect the amount retained within the body and so can influence hydration status. This study compares the effect of a commercially available whey protein beverage against trim milk, in terms of rehydration after exercise-induced dehydration. (University of Otago)SportAccord doping-free sport unit launches GUARD - 10 Apr 2014lingual research tool to provide targeted information on each sport and be linked with other tools such as a phone help-line. (SportAccord)Irish student turns a mobile phone into a VHF radio - 22 Apr 2014Many weekend sailors are going to sea depending on their mobile phones for reporting an emergency. This is fraught with danger in so many ways - you can be out of range, and you can't even contact the other boats in your vicinity. Now, thanks to an Irish student, that may be about to change, because he has invented a phone-case which turns the phone into a VHF radio. (Sail World)

Off the Bench: Places and Spaces

Stadiums race to digitise: how sports teams are scrambling to keep millennials coming to games - 11 Apr 2014There are three reasons that stadiums are pushing to improve connectivity: changing demographics, luring fans away from their big-screen TV at home and boosting revenues. Whether by building from scratch or retrofitting existing facilities, stadiums are in a fierce competition with each other to add the latest technologies. (TechRepublic) STADIUM: smarter transport management for global events - 6 May 2013European cross-country collaboration has seen the development of an online tool to help cities meet the transport demands of large-scale events. The EU-funded project shows how integration of Intelligent Transport Systems can make a world of difference. (European Commission)Gold Coast Stadiums look to spy cam technology - 18 Feb 2014Hi-tech spy cam technology that can recognise banned sports fans at the gate and alert security may soon be in use at the Gold Coast's two major sports stadiums. The system is already used at stadiums in the US, Germany and South America. (Sports Business Insider) Stadium food is bottom of the league for sports fans - 19 Dec 2013UK sports event attendees expect food available at the venue to be over-priced, unhealthy and of limited choice, a recent report finds. On their most recent visit to a major sports venue, three out of five ate meals at home before or after the event showing the preference to avoid eating in the stadium. (YouGov)International Centre for Sports Security Journal - 2013 (PDF)This edition features a review on the impact of technological advances on security and crowd surveillance, and explores how future technologies may change sports fans' viewing habits and the design of stadia. (International Centre for Sports Security Journal) The four most technologically advanced populous sports venue upgrades - 8 Apr 2014This article looks at four innovative international stadium designs and renovations that have captured this new trend in sports venue architecture. (sporttechie)Tech-savvy sporting venues - 10 Apr 2014US franchises are spending hundreds of millions of dollars restoring their venues to entice fans back into the stands. Strong Wi-Fi connections, massive video display boards, and engaging social media communications have become common features for ballparks, arenas, and stadiums. (Aluratek)Stadiums not catering for disabled fans - 12 Apr 2014The British government is pressuring football clubs to make their grounds more user-friendly for fans with a disability after a report discovered several were failing to cater for less able-bodied supporters. Government minister Mike Penning MP, said he would look to prosecute clubs that failed to meet criteria designed to welcome supporters. (Special Broadcasting Service)The Sydney Cricket & Sports Ground Trust partners with Sporting Innovations to provide world-class fan experience - 14 Apr 2014The SCG Trust has partnered with Sporting Innovations to implement FAN360, a software ecosystem that transforms how sports teams use data and technology to enhance the fan experience and create new revenue opportunities. Featured elements include personalised offers and rewards, on-demand video replays, live streaming video, live stats, and mobile ticketing. (Sporting Innovations)

Useful Weblinks

The Activate GAA Warm-Up: enhance performance and reduce injuryActivate is a specific warm-up for training and matches that improves movement skills and reduces injury. It is a dynamic warm up which includes the ball. This website contains resources and training videos to support the delivery of the warm-up to squads.Play by the Rules Magazine - AprilThis edition covers the new anti-homophobia campaign, women in governance and highlights the issue of 'touching' in sport. When is it ok?

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