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Relay - 19 November 2013

24 May 2014

In this Relay

Young People

Young People's Survey Regional Profiles - 1 Nov 2013 These 14 regional profiles (as well as a national profile) provide a snapshot of young people's participation in sport and active recreation across New Zealand's regional sports trusts' catchment areas. They provide information on where and how young people take part and are accompanied by a supplement which provides sport-specific information. (Sport and Recreation Knowledge Library)

Youth statistics - a statistical profile of young people in New Zealand Want to know more about young people, 12 to 24 years old? This website provides some regional population statistics, as well as reporting on wellbeing indicators, including happiness, health, education and leisure. (Ministry of Youth Development)

Inspiring Kiwi kids to take to the pitch - 18 Oct 2013 The ActivePost National Schools Programme will introduce more than 100,000 young New Zealanders to the sport of cricket each year. The programme operates through clubs, communities and schools. It supports participation, coaching and also umpiring activities. (NZ Cricket)

Tri NZ launches National Talent Programme - 29 Oct 2013 Triathlon New Zealand has announced the launch of a new package of initiatives under the banner of the Tri NZ 'National Talent Programme' to support aspiring young triathletes to reach their Olympic goals. It will include regional and national athlete and coach support. (Tri NZ)

Benefits of sport for girls- the universal truths - 25 Sep 2013 This much we know is true: sport is one of the most important socio-cultural learning experiences for girls. Aside from the known health benefits yielded by regular participation in sports and physical fitness, there are countless intangibles girls can take away from sports. (Women's Sports Foundation US)

Sports drink consumption and diet of children involved in organised sport - 19 Aug 2013 (PDF) There is little information about the relationship between children's participation in organised sport and their diet, and specifically their sports drink consumption. This article examines the relationship between sports participation and the consumption of sports drinks and sugar-sweetened beverages. (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition)

Higher prevalence of eating disorders among adolescent elite athletes - 2013 A Norwegian study (PDF) confirms the prevalence of eating disorders is higher among adolescent elite athletes than controls and higher in female than in male adolescent elite athletes. (Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre)

Youth concussion infographics explain concussion prevention, follow-up care for kids, parents, coaches - 18 Sep 2013 Developed by the physician-researchers at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's "Minds Matter" programme, this series of six infographics aims to educate players, parents, nurses and coaches about concussion symptoms and treatments, and offers the most up-to-date tips for detection and treatment of youth concussions. (Newswise)

Scootering on: an investigation of children's use of scooters for transport and recreation - 2013(PDF) Along with the increasing popularity of scooters, New Zealand is also experiencing a more scooter injuries to children, with a notable spike in ACC claims in the 2011-12 year. This report recommends means to minimise the risks and reduce harm to children. (University of Waikato)

Community Sport and Recreation

A community-led, science-informed conversation around the future use of the Avon River Residential Red Zone - September 2013 (PDF) This report estimates the value of the benefits of a 'recreation reserve' in the Avon River Residential Red Zone. It demonstrates support is strongest for a unique natural environment with recreational opportunities such as walking, cycling and water-based sport and leisure activities. (Lincoln University)

Economic values of parks - 6 Sep 2013 (PDF) This report explores the needs of parks agencies to understand and articulate the economic values that their parks contribute to the wider community. These values include tourism, ecosystem services, population health benefits, property values, recreational and leisure values. Note: The report is available to download by clicking on the PDF link. (Parks Forum)

Sport HB awarded Regional Not for Profit of the Year The Sport Hawke's Bay Team are delighted to have been named as the Not for Profit of the Year at the 2013 Hawke's Bay Business Awards hosted by the Hawke's Bay Chamber of Commerce. (Sport Hawkes Bay).

Disabled People's Lifestyle Survey - September 2013 (PDF) This study sought to understand what motivates disabled people in their everyday lives and how this relates to sport or exercise. It is the beginning of a longer programme of research to enable the English Federation of Disability Sport to support sport organisations to offer engaging, relevant and appropriate opportunities for disabled people. (EFDS)

UK sports clubs increasing membership and keeping fees low despite financial pressure - 25 Oct 2013 The 2013 Sports Club Survey (PDF) has highlighted an emerging trend of grassroots sports clubs spending considerably more on energy bills, business rates and facility maintenance in recent years, whilst reducing average fees and providing great value to more members. (Sport and Recreation Alliance UK)

New fund provides boost for English grassroots football facilities - 25 Oct 2013 English local football facilities are set to benefit from a £102 million investment to improve the experience of playing the national game at the lowest levels and help increase participation in football. (Sport England)

Australian Bowls Premier League launched - 3 Oct 2013 Bowls Australia has announced the introduction of a new, more fast-paced competition format, which includes New Zealand teams. It aims to broaden the appeal of the sport by developing commercial opportunities and driving an increase in participation at clubs. (Bowls Australia)

Drown-proofing New Zealand: the learn-to-swim and prevent drowning campaigns, 1936-1956 - 2013 (PDF) This thesis examines the development of recreational amateur swimming in New Zealand between 1936 and 1956. During this period, swimming ability and drowning prevention became issues of national importance and extensive measures were introduced which modernised New Zealand's swimming culture. (Victoria University of Wellington)

Outdoor Recreation

Independent review of fatalities on Mt Taranaki - 4 Nov 2013 New Zealand Alpine Club President, John Cocks has announced the establishment of an independent review of the tragic club trip to Mt Taranaki, on which Hiroki Ogawa and Nicole Sutton died. (New Zealand Alpine Club)

Minister opens new Sutherland Falls Track - 2 Nov 2013 Conservation Minister Dr Nick Smith has opened the new track to one of New Zealand's highest waterfalls as part of commemorations to mark 125 years of the Milford Track in the Fiordland National Park. (NZ Government)

New 'Scarface' mountain bike trail to open in Thames - 30 Oct 2013 Mountain biking has never featured prominently on the list of Coromandel Peninsula must-do's, but that's all about to change. The Coromandel is among eight regions that have come together to market mountain biking nationally and internationally. In late November, the Thames Mountain Bike Club opens its new “Scarface trailsâ€ù carved out of old gold mining country. (Thames-Coromandel District Council)

Mountain bike races bring big bucks to local economies - 21 May 2013 A recent study in Oregon measured the effects of mountain bike races on two small local economies and surveyed customers of a mountain bike tour company. Once-booming timber towns are repositioning themselves as adventure destinations for tourists, with mountain biking often taking center stage. (Cyclingnews)

Mountain biking in Scotland: understanding and resolving land use conflicts - UK Summer 2013 In this, the first edition in a series exploring the understanding and resolution of rural land use conflicts, we examine the case of mountain biking as a recreational activity which has a high conflict potential, both in the recreational sphere and in the context of broader land use interests. (James Hutton Institute)

English economy boosted thanks to Natural England's National Nature Reserves - 15 Oct 2013 Natural England's networks of National Nature Reserves contributed nearly 700 full-time jobs and £23 million into the local rural economy in 2011/12, according to estimates from a new report. Tourism accounts for the largest area of economic significance, helping create 344 full-time jobs. (Natural England)

Scottish Recreation Survey: annual summary report 2012 - 2 Nov 2013 (PDF) Scottish Natural Heritage measures levels of participation in outdoor recreational activities each year through the Scottish Recreation Survey. The 2012 results reveal that 79% of adults made at least one visit to the outdoors for leisure or recreation in the previous twelve months, making an estimated 297 million visits. (Scottish Natural Heritage)

High Performance

Athletics NZ apprentice coach pilot programme - 23 Oct 2013 Athletics New Zealand has announced eight coaches to join an apprentice coach programme to increase Athletics New Zealand's pool of high performance coaches. The programme is being piloted in Waikato BoP, Wellington and Canterbury with a view to extending the programme in future years. (Athletics New Zealand)

NZ's elite disabled athletes reveal support for Halberg Disabled Sportsperson of the Year Award - 24 Oct 2013 A survey released by the Halberg Disability Sport Foundation shows strong support from New Zealand's elite disabled athletes to retain an award honouring their achievements at the Westpac Halberg Awards. (Halberg Disability Sport Foundation)

Paralympic swimming medal events for 2015 World Champs and Rio 2016 unveiled - 23 Oct 2013 IPC Swimming, the International Federation for para-swimming, has announced the medal events for the 2015 World Championships in Glasgow and the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games. The programmes, which are identical, have been designed to ensure a fair distribution of events across impairment types and gender. (Paralympic Movement)

Over 90 per cent of public tickets sold for Glasgow 2014 - 4 Nov 2013 A total of 92 per cent of tickets available to the general public for next year's Commonwealth Games in Glasgow have been sold with the remaining 76,000 going on a first-come, first-served basis. (inside the games)

Where did LOCOG go? - 6 Sep 2013 At its peak, almost a quarter of a million people worked for the London Olympic Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG). Today, it doesn't exist. Neil Wood, former chief financial officer of the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games ruminates on the massive task he faced one year ago in dismantling LOCOG. (Management Today)Why can't we just host the Olympics in the same place every year? - 6 Sep 2013 For the city chosen in an Olympic bid, it's a decision that could catalyse transformative infrastructure projects and long-term investment. Of course, more likely, it will shackle the host city with cost overruns, underused venues and displaced and disaffected citizens. John Rennie Short, a public policy professor thinks he has a solution. It's on an island. (The Atlantic Cities)

Sochi Winter Games will kick out reporters who post photos to social networks - 11 Nov 2013 According to a new report from The Atlantic Wire, reporters at the 2014 Sochi Winter Games this February are banned from using their smartphones to post photos to Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Vine or Facebook.The consequence for breaking this rule is steep: loss of media access. (DailyTech)

Russian Sports Ministry to oversee stadium construction for World Cup 2018 - 28 Oct 2013 The Russian sports ministry may gain oversight responsibility for the construction of football stadiums for the World Cup in 2018, with the right to commission work without going through a tendering process, according to a proposal submitted to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. (Moscow Times)

Organisational Capability

Into the wind - performance management: striving to meet expectations - August 2013 (PDF) This report is sourced from interviews with Chief Human Resource Officers across 17 of New Zealand's largest and most successful organisations. It provides insight into the performance management challenges being faced by New Zealand organisations, and how some of them are overcoming those challenges. (Deloitte)

Collective innovation and tips on how to implement it - 2013 Graham Wyles, a leadership development coach in innovation, discusses collective innovation and how creativity is a process. (Sport and Recreation Alliance)

UK Women's Sport and Fitness Foundation hosts inaugural Women's Sport Network event - 24 Oct 2013 The regular networking events are aimed at bringing together professionals who are passionate about women's sport and seeking to remove barriers and unlock potential to ensure that women can progress in professional life. (UK Women's Sport and Fitness Foundation)

NRL announce strategic drive to boost membership - 4 Nov 2013 The NRL has outlined plans for a Membership Summit bringing together international speakers, local experts and all sixteen teams to strategically target ways of doubling membership numbers over the next three years. (Sport Business Insider)

Dick Smith to sponsor Auckland Nines - 30 Oct 2013 DUCO Events has announced a major naming rights agreement with Dick Smith Electronics sponsoring the NRL Auckland Nines for the next five years. Ticket revenue for the Dick Smith NRL Auckland Nines has already edged over $2 million. (

Choice Hotels partners with grassroots Australian sporting clubs - 1 Oct 2013 Choice Hotels Australasia has launched a new travel programme to drive sales while benefiting grassroots sports clubs. The initiative, Choice Sports, will enable grassroots sports clubs throughout Australia and New Zealand to receive a discount on accommodation, and earn a commission for each booking made. (Australasian Leisure Management)

Sports Science and Technology

New Zealand-developed sport sensors - 2 Nov 2013 (AUDIO) The Wellington Phoenix are using sports sensor technology developed in Lower Hutt for more effective training. In this radio interview Jamie Tout from VX Sport explains the technology and its applications and Lee Spence, strength and conditioning coach of the Wellington Phoenix, discusses monitoring players' workload with the device. (Radio New Zealand National)

Worlds of sport and government prepare to shape future of anti-doping in sport - 1 Nov 2013 The worlds of sport and government will convene in Johannesburg, South Africa, to help shape the future of one of the most pressing issues faced in sport today - doping. The Fourth World Conference on Doping in Sport will see the anti-doping in sport community come together to discuss and approve the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code. (World Anti-Doping Agency)

Sport's 'big data' challenge highlighted - 28 Oct 2013 This article discusses the concept of big data, the ever-increasing volume of information, statistics and numbers that can be collected and analysed, and its implications for high performance sport. (The Sports Office)

Tracking down a competitive advantage - 6 Sep 2013 Australia's high performance athletes could soon have unrivalled insight into their opponents' tactics thanks to developments in the world of computer vision technology, according to a data analyst at the Australian Institute of Sport. (Australian Sports Commission)

UK Human Performance Lab launched - 18 Oct 2013 Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline has opened the GSK Human Performance Lab - a science facility that will work in partnership with elite individuals and organisations, professional athletes and teams as well as sport's national governing bodies, to better understand how the body and brain function. (Sports Management)

Does ethnicity influence sweat sodium loss? - 2013 (PDF) Leading sports nutrition experts recommend customised fluid and electrolyte replacement strategies for optimal rehydration. The main finding of this study is that sweat sodium replacement can be individualised among athletes on the basis of ethnicity. (University of Otago)

Athlete sweat studies deliver refreshing results - 4 Oct 2013 A project with Scottish Rugby players by sports scientists from the University of Stirling highlighted the growing importance of studying sweat to assist nutritionists developing tailored hydration plans for each player. (University of Stirling)Skeletal muscle metabolic gene response to carbohydrate feeding during exercise in the heat - 13 Sep 2013 (PDF) This study sought to determine the impact of exercise with and without carbohydrate supplementation on skeletal muscle metabolic response in the heat. Trials were conducted in a climate controlled environmental chamber. (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition)

Off the Bench: Sporting Mega-event Security

Be prepared or she'll be right? Terrorism, hotels and mega-events in New Zealand - 2013 (PDF) Between 1972 and 2003 there were 168 attempts by terrorists to attack respondents or spectators at major sporting events around the world. This study considers how well New Zealand hotel managers were prepared for a terrorist attack, in their preparations for the 2011 Rugby World Cup. (AUT University)

Andrew Amery: Guarding the world's biggest sporting events - 4 Aug 2013 Amery, the former head of security for London 2012, discusses preparation for the event, including the almost billion pound cost and logistical issues faced in ensuring the mega success of the last Olympic Games. (Sport360)

Russia investing massively in security ahead of upcoming major sports events - 18 Jul 2013 The Russian security market is approaching a stage of significant investment due to the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi and the FIFA 2018 World Cup. These two sporting events, which are set to provide the country with global exposure, will also, serve to drive security expenditure, both at the stadiums and more widely across infrastructure. (L'Atelier)

Russia and US join forces for Sochi 2014 security - 20 Jun 2013 United States President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin have pledged to join forces to help boost security at major sport events, including the Sochi 2014 Olympics and Paralympics, after meeting on the sidelines of the G8 summit. (The Sport Digest)Making the 2014 Commonwealth Games safe - 2013 In a three-year project funded by the European Commission, Glasgow Professor of Criminology Michele Burman is leading a multidisciplinary team of experts who will monitor, evaluate and inform the security planning process leading up to 2014. (Glasgow University)

A distinctive approach? Governing security at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games - June 2013 (PDF) This Powerpoint seminar examines mega-events through a criminological lens, provides comparative historical spends for past Games' security, and outlines the structure for security implementation. (Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research)

Planning mega sporting events: safety and security - 25 Jul 2013 (INTERVIEW) This is a transcript of an interview with Dr. Louis Marciani, Director of the National Centre for Spectator Sports, Safety and Security at the University of Southern Mississippi. (US State Department)

Sport mega-event security and urban development: Johannesburg and Rio de Janeiro - 1 May 2013 (PDF) As international media continues to speculate on Rio de Janeiro's ability to host a “safeâ€ù World Cup and Olympic Games, this paper aims to answer what impact sport mega-event security preparations have on urban violence and development. (Aladin Research Commons)

Useful weblinks

CommunityNet Aotearoa: how-to guides These guides give you fast access to practical information and resources that help New Zealand community organisations be effective and sustainable.

Lotto Volunteer Foundation volunteer resources This site provides a handy guide to volunteer management. It's designed to help your club or sports organisation set up an effective programme for your on-going recruitment, support and retention of volunteers.

Onside magazine (PDF) New Zealand Rugby's latest issue of Onside has a focus on winning women, reviews of the World Champion Sevens teams, Black Ferns and All Blacks updates, domestic competition previews and articles about talent identification and injury prevention.

If you require an accessible version of any content on the site please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

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