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Relay - 16 December 2013

24 May 2014

In this Relay

Young People

Kiwisport Regional Partnership Fund Activity Report 2009 to 2013 - 2013 (PDF) Kiwisport Regional Partnership funding, administered by Regional Sports Trusts, is having significant impact on the number of school-aged children accessing opportunities to play sport. RSTs have approved just over $34.6 million worth of projects, and opportunities have been delivered to over 1.8 million participants since 2009. (Sport NZ) 'Bikes In Schools' is a winner- 29 Nov 2013 A programme that takes "cycling to the children" has been nationally recognised for its outstanding work in the community. 'Bikes in Schools' won the Outstanding Community Recreation Programme Award at the 2013 New Zealand Recreation Association Awards. (Harbour Sport) Iconic kiwi brands join forces for future of road cycling - 26 Nov 2013 (PDF) Two New Zealand brands are joining forces to foster young road cycling talent. The creation of a sustainable road cycling team aims to develop young talent and provide an additional pathway for aspiring road riders. (GMC Development Team)Time, technical development key to cricket growth - 31 Oct 2013 Dafydd Evans' job is to grow cricket on Auckland's North Shore, an area where many local schools lack pitches and cricket gear. The former farmer is a foundation cricket coach, paid by Auckland Cricket to bring the game to school kids and so build up school teams. (NZ Cricket)British primary school physical literacy framework produced - 15 Nov 2013 A new primary school literacy framework (PDF) from the British Youth Sport Trust provides schools with simple, easy to understand guidance on how best to structure PE and sport provision to develop the physical literacy of their pupils. (Youth Sport Trust)Are kids sports pricing themselves out of the market? - 22 Nov 2013 An US examination of who plays youth sports from ESPN's The Magazine finds that while there may be 21.5 million kids between age six and 17 playing on a team, the earliest participants come from upper-income families. (Pacific Standard) UK StreetGames Rail Life programme - 27 Oct 2013 StreetGames and Network Rail work created a sports-based educational programme for 11-16 year olds living in disadvantaged areas experiencing high incidences of anti-social behaviour. The resulting programme (PDF) aimed to develop new projects providing new sporting opportunities. (StreetGames)Concussed children return to play - 26 Nov 2013 On-field management of sport-related head injuries in children does not follow international guidelines with many children continuing to play despite signs of concussion, a new Australian study has found. (Monash University)

Community Sport and Recreation

British Universities and Colleges Sport strategy 2013-2017 - 17 Apr 2013 The British Universities and Colleges Sport strategy aims to lead the effective development of sport in higher education in the UK through advocacy, partnership and lobbying of appropriate national, international and commercial agencies. (British Universities and Colleges Sport) Higher education sport participation and satisfaction survey - 2013 (PDF) This study examines the impact of Active Universities lottery funding on sports participation and satisfaction amongst student recipients. It also tests a sport participation tool for the higher education sector, to demonstrate how universities contribute towards increasing participation in community sport. (Sport England) Being Muslim and doing Islam: narratives that shape the physical activity of Muslim women in New Zealand - 2013 This study explores some New Zealand Muslim women's narratives regarding engagement in physical activity and how their identification as Muslim women influences their engagement. (AUT University) Phase two of the English Federation of Disability Sport research examines motivations of disabled people - 31 Oct 2013 Relay's last edition featured EFDS's report on disabled people's lifestyles and their participation in physical activity. Now the charity is finding out more about what drives disabled people to take part in sport or physical activity, and the finding that seven in 10 disabled people want to lead more active lives. (English Federation of Disability Sport) Experiences and legacies of Rugby World Cup 2011 Volunteer Programme - August 2013 (PDF) The Rugby World Cup 2011 was the biggest event staged in New Zealand. The Volunteer Programme was an important element of delivering the event. This longitudinal study tracked the volunteers through the build-up to the event, captured their post-event highs, and followed up with them in the year after the tournament. (Sport and Recreation Knowledge Library) Coaching masters athletes - 2013 (PDF) Masters sport is booming, and older athletes are seeking coaching guidance as they strive to learn new skills, improve their performance, or compete successfully. This resource contains information and suggestions for how to plan the physical training of masters athletes. (Coaching Association of Canada)John Ackland on coaching - October 2013 (VIDEO 11 minutes) John Ackland has recently been appointed the National Game Development Manager at New Zealand Rugby League. He discusses the challenges and rewards of coaching and offers advice for coaches, including not talking too much! (YouTube)Cricket gear up for grabs in ANZ grant scheme - 11 Nov 2013 New Zealand's cricketers are being offered grants as part of the ANZ Cricket Grant Scheme. The nationwide scheme is aimed to support New Zealand cricket at a community level, awarding $100,000 worth of equipment to players and teams of all ages to help them reach their full potential. (ANZ Cricket World)

Outdoor Recreation

The downhill mountain bike subculture in New Zealand - 2012 (PDF) This thesis examines the experiences and meanings that elite downhill mountain bike racers assign to their involvement in the New Zealand downhill mountain bike subculture. It maps the subculture, documents its key components and the effect that belonging has on the participants' lives. (University of Otago)Interview with New Zealand Cycle Trails author, Jonathan Kennett - 12 Nov 2013 (AUDIO 21 Mins) Jonathan Kennett is the author of The New Zealand Cycle Trails. He has worked as a project manager for the New Zealand Cycle Trails since 2010, and previously advised the government on all aspects of the trails. (Radio New Zealand National)The Old Ghost Road volunteering opportunity for track builders - 28 Nov 2013 The Mokihinui-Lyell Backcountry Trust is inviting the public to help build three kilometres of the Old Ghost Road trail. (Nga Haerenga The New Zealand Cycle Trail)Jamie Fitzgerald - the value of outdoor education to society - 2 Dec 2013 (VIDEO 2.31 minutes) Outdoors WA interviews Jamie Fitzgerald at the 2013 World Outdoors Conference in Rotorua. Jamie is one of New Zealand's most sought-after management consultants and keynote speakers and has helped thousands of people around the world bridge the gap between strategy, leadership and a high performance culture. (Vimeo)Queenstown's Ziptrek Ecotours recognised as NZ's best ecotourism business - 25 Nov 2013 Ziptrek Ecotours has been named Best Adventure Tourism Business at the 2013 Outdoors Awards held in Rotorua recently. Ziptrek has completed more than 291,000 zips through forest canopy on gravity fed ziplines, giving a large number of guests the opportunity to soak up stunning panoramic lake and mountain views of Queenstown and its surroundings. (Australasian Leisure Management)Getting it right: access and M?ori land - 2 Dec 2013 New Zealand Walking Access Commission board member Peter Brown provides some useful advice for people seeking access over M?ori land. In many cases M?ori land is owned by multiple parties, with ownership structures such as M?ori trusts or incorporations representing the owners. It can be difficult to know who to ask. (New Zealand Walking Access Commission)Keeping Auckland waters safe for swimmers this summer - 7 Nov 2013 Auckland Council's water quality monitoring programme Safeswim has started for the summer season. The Safeswimprogramme runs until March 2014 at 69 of the region's most popular beaches and freshwater spots including Waiheke and Great Barrier islands. (Auckland Council)

High Performance

Cricket Australia launches National Cricket Centre - 12 Nov 2013 Cricket Australia has opened the new National Cricket Centre in Brisbane marking a new chapter in high performance training and preparation for Australia's elite cricketers. Biomechanical force plates and an advanced motion analysis camera system will be a key feature of all-new sports science facilities. (Cricket Australia)FIFA U-20 World Cup New Zealand 2015 match schedule announcement - 21 Nov 2013 The match schedule (PDF) for the FIFA U-20 World Cup New Zealand 2015 has been announced. The tournament will host 24 nation teams, include 52 matches and will run for three weeks from 30 May until 20 June 2015. (New Plymouth District Council)Ticket prices announced for ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 - 13 Nov 2013 The Local Organising Committee of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 has put the focus firmly on families in its announcement of ticketing information for the ICC's flagship event. Organisers are expecting more than a million people to attend matches and more than a billion to watch on television. (ICC Cricket World Cup 2015)Sochi 2014 and Dow set to minimise Games' impact on the environment - 8 Nov 2013 The Sochi 2014 Organising Committee has announced a partnership with Worldwide Olympic Partner Dow to mitigate all if the carbon footprint related to the preparation and staging of the 2014 Olympic Winter Games. (Olympic Movement)The United Nations calls for an Olympic truce to be observed during the Sochi 2014 Games - 6 Nov 2013 The United Nations General Assembly has called for an "Olympic Truce" to be observed during the upcoming Sochi Games. The corresponding draft resolution entitled "Building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideals" was presented by the President of the Sochi 2014 Organising Committee, Dmitry Chernyshenko. (Sochi 2014)Final qualification underway for Olympic winter athletes - 8 Nov 2013 New Zealand's Olympic winter athletes are heading into the final qualification phase for the Sochi 2014 Games as the countdown to the opening ceremony approaches. Some 20 Kiwi athletes will compete to secure international quota spots, meet selection criteria and earn their place in New Zealand Olympic history. (NZ Olympic Committee)Keeping the flame alive: the Olympic and Paralympic legacy - 18 Nov 2013 (PDF) This report, published by the House of Lords Select Committee on Olympic and Paralympic Legacy, finds the UK government needs to provide clear, strong leadership and appoint a minister with responsibility for producing legacy benefits - or the positive effects of hosting the London 2012 Olympic Games could be lost. (United Kingdom Parliament) From velodrome to retail zone: British cycling success story extends to high street - 8 Nov 2013 The stunning recent success of Britain's road and track cyclists had a knock-on effect on the high street this summer, with retailer Halfords declaring cycling its "standout performer" over the six months to late September. (insidethegames)

Organisational Capability

Sport and recreation sector workforce to 2026 - March 2013 (PDF) This report looks at a broadly-defined sport and recreation sector, encompassing an estimated 62,000 paid employees across a wide variety of technical, managerial and other support roles. BERL, an economics consultancy, predicts the sector workforce will grow by more than 10,000 paid employees in the 15 years from 2011 to 2026. (Sport and Recreation Knowledge Library)Pacific Business Trust award category promotes off-field leadership - 25 Nov 2013 Dain Guttenbeil (General Manager of Football and Community Development for the NZRL), represented the importance of off-field leadership at this year's New Zealand Pacific Island Sports Awards, winning the Sports Administrator of the Year Award. The awards celebrate Pacific sporting success both on and off the field. (Pacific Business Trust)Tri NZ partners with internet innovator in .kiwi Tri Series - 2 Dec 2013 Triathlon New Zealand has launched the new summer national Tri Series at a function in Auckland, unveiling a new 5-year naming rights contract with Dot Kiwi Ltd, the registry for the use of the new top-level internet domain, .kiwi. (TRI NZ)AFL sports drink deal to promote equality among clubs - 13 Nov 2013 The AFL's richest clubs will "shout" the poorer ones with a centralised sports drinks deal forming part of the league's new equalisation measures for next year. The AFL has signed a new deal with Coca-Cola generating funds for smaller clubs. (Sports Business Insider)Cricket Australia seals Sportradar deal - 5 Nov 2013 Sports and betting-related data company Sportradar has confirmed the Cricket Australia governing body as its latest integrity partner. Under the partnership, Sportradar will monitor Cricket Australia's domestic competitions for signs of betting-related corruption and fraudulent activity. (iGamingBusiness)Leadership SIRCuit magazine - Winter 2014 This publication by Canada's SIRC organisation focuses on sporting bodies' governance capability. It includes articles on succession and strategic planning and revenue generation. (SIRC)Research finds social media boosts brands for sports fans - 20 Jun 2013 Fans who engage with sports on social media are more likely to have positive feelings towards brands and sponsors, according to new research by the online sports media company Perform. The study found 97 per cent of UK sports fans consume sports on TV, while online has leapfrogged print to become the second-biggest medium at 61 per cent. (Brand Republic)Penrith Panthers tops list of most valuable Australian sports clubs - 4 Dec 2013 This year's edition of the Top 20 Most Valuable Australian Sports Brands has seen Penrith Panthers take the number one spot. However, a brand rating of AA- makes it one of the weakest brands. The Panthers Group businesses have closely associated the brand successfully with the elite team to create a strong business, which has resulted in the high valuation. (Brand Finance)

Sports Science and Technology

How applied economics helps sports teams lift their game - 25 Nov 2013 There was more at play behind the Sydney Roosters success in NRL final than met the eye - basic economics principles were applied to the selection of the winning team, assisted by QUT behavioural economics expert Professor Uwe Dulleck. (Queensland University of Technology)Participation and performance trends of East-African runners in Swiss half-marathons and marathons held between 2000 and 2010 - 1 Dec 2013 (PDF) This study examined the changes in participation, performance and age of East African runners competing in half-marathons and marathons held in Switzerland between 2000 and 2010. Race times, sex, age and origin of East African versus Non-African finishers of half-marathon and marathon finishers were analysed. (BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation)Who's better at pacing, men or women? - 12 Nov 2013 Research suggests that women's physiology may render them superior endurance animals. Women burn through carbs more slowly than men, thus potentially helping them delay, or avoid, hitting the wall. (Runner's World)Do elite 'power sport' athletes have a genetic advantage? - 25 Sep 2013 A specific gene variant is more frequent among elite athletes in power sports, a recent study reports. It contributes to the rapidly evolving body of research on genetic factors related to exercise, fitness, and performance - which may one day have implications for identification and training of potential elite-level athletes. (ScienceDaily)Snowboard cross has highest injury risk among all snowboard disciplines - 4 Oct 2013 A new study of injury rates and patterns among a six year cohort of elite World Cup snowboarders, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, compares the injury rates and pattern among the different World Cup snowboard disciplines and finds injury risk is highest in snowboard cross. (Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre)The effects of instruction and feedback on lower limb kinematics and kinetics during landing in female novice netball players - 2013 (PDF) Netball is the largest female participation sport in New Zealand and Australia. Lower limb injuries, in particular to the ankle and knee, are common during landing in netball. This study determines the effect of instruction and feedback on sagittal ankle and knee joint kinematics and kinetics during landing in female novice netball players. (AUT University)Does carbohydrate supplementation enhance tennis match play performance? - 22 Oct 2013(PDF) There is strong evidence that appropriate selection of nutrients, timing of intake and proper supplement choice are associated with optimal health and exercise performance. This study investigates the effects of carbohydrate supplementation on tennis match play performance. (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition)

Off the Bench: Places and Spaces

Celebrating parks and recreation success - 19 Dec 2013 A total of eight organisations and four individuals were honoured for their contribution to the parks and recreation industry at the NZRA Conference Gala Dinner in Auckland. Judges whose job it was to select the best contributions made to the parks and recreation industry spoke of "very difficult" decisions. (Local Government NZ)Ki-o-rahi field opens at Waitangi - 7 Dec 2013 The country's first field dedicated to the traditional ball game ki-o-rahi was opened by Associate Health Minister Tariana Turia in Waitangi recently, not by cutting a ribbon but by throwing a ki (flax ball) to two young players. (Northern Advocate)New Zealand Sports Turf Institute Limited - Report of external evaluation and review - 4 Sep 2013(PDF) This report is provides a public statement about the Institute's educational performance and capability in self-assessment. It forms part of the accountability process required by Government to inform investors, the public, students, prospective students, communities, employers, and other interested parties. (NZQA)Social media for leisure facility managers - 19 Apr 2013 Coming out of the Australian Fitness and Health Expo, this presentation shares examples of how leisure facilities can use social media to engage with current members, acquire new members and engage with their wider community. (Australian Leisure Facilities Association)Programming: aquatics - November 2013 Successful—and revenue-generating—aquatic facilities take a smart approach to pool programming. Ensuring you're offering what patrons are looking for will help get them into your doors, and into the pool. (Recreation Management)Assessing the need for developing and managing recreational facilities In Nigeria - January 2013(PDF) This paper reviews literature on the general need for developing recreational facilities in Nigeria and critically examines the planning and development designs, the important facilities and management procedures for recreational areas. (IOSR Journals)How Britain's new pitch and track registration scheme is helping to improve construction standards - November 2013 A new British national scheme to ensure the quality of synthetic sports pitches and athletics tracks are now in place to help facility owners choose contractors wisely and lessen the possibility of poor construction standards and inferior installations. (Sports Management) New South Wales stadia strategy - 2012 (PDF) The outcome of an extensive consultation process which included major sporting organisations, teams, stadia owners and operators, event promoters, industry groups and local government, this document provides a vision for the future of stadia, and offers stakeholders a 'road map' for the future. (New South Wales Government)Sydney Cricket Ground development reaching new heights - 3 Oct 2013 Installation of the new pavilion-style roof for the new MA Noble, Bradman and Messenger Stands has commenced as the development moves ahead to be in operation for the Ashes Test Match at the SCG commencing on 3 January. (Sydney Cricket & Sports Ground Trust)

Useful Weblinks

SIRC Newsletter November 2013 - Strength and conditioning Canada's Sports Information Resource Centre has compiled articles on the development of slow and fast twitch muscles, ballistic versus strength training, strength training for young athletes and nutrition for muscle recovery.English Institute of Sport recipe page A range of recipes developed by nutritionists at the English Institute of Sport including energy bars designed for endurance athletes and pre-training meals. Each recipe includes detailed nutritional information.ACTIVE 2020 site ACTIVE 2020 is a long term strategic plan for sport and active recreation in Australia's ACT. It provides a blueprint upon which sport and recreation will be nurtured and promoted over the period 2011-2020. It promotes partnerships between industry and government and investment in long term sustainable outcomes.

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