Relay 13 March 2015
Relay 13 March 2015
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In this Relay
- Young People
- Community Sport and Recreation
- Outdoor Recreation
- High Performance
- Organisational Capability
- Sports Science and Technology
- Off the Bench: Places and Spaces
- Useful Weblinks
Young People
Seb Coe on young people and sport, anti-doping and more - 17 Feb 2015 (VIDEO 66 minutes) British politician and former champion athlete Seb Coe shares his views on inspiring young people to take up sport and the barriers they face over sports integrity issues such as doping, and other subjects. (Sport New Zealand) More and more students wear school sports colours - February 2015 The results of the 2014 NZSSSC School Sport Census show the trend of recent years continued with 54 percent of students representing their school in sport in 2014, up 1 percent from the previous year. (NZ Secondary School Sports Council) A 30 year journey of monitoring fitness and skill outcomes in physical education: lessons learned and a focus on the future - August 2014 This study examines fundamental movement skills data for primary school-age children from various regions in Australia to identify trends in the data over three decades and demonstrate a way forward to improve the fitness and skill levels of children. (Scientific Research Publishing) Australian cricket looks to reverse trends on skill decline in children - 6 Feb 2015 Catching and throwing go hand-in-hand with a child's development- with cricket ticking almost all of the required boxes. But recent studies show that the level of ability in kids is significantly lower than what it was 30 years ago. Cricket Australia is looking to change that trend, continuing their strong involvement with children. (Cricket Australia) "Getting the couch potatoes off the couch": IOC joins forces with UNESCO to improve physical education in schools - 29 Jan 2015 The International Olympic Committee and UNESCO have co-operated on new Quality Physical Education Guidelines (PDF) urging governments and educational planners to invest in the quantity and quality of physical education that they offer. (Olympic Movement) Do extra compulsory physical education lessons mean more physically active children? - findings from the childhood health, activity, and motor performance school study, Denmark - 24 Sep 2014 This study examines whether children attending sports schools are more active than their counterparts attending normal schools and whether physical activity levels in specific domains differ across school types. (BioMed Central) Otago study indicates exercise sharpens the young adult brain - 20 Jan 2015 Regular physical activity improves brain function even in young adults considered in their prime and at the height of cognitive ability, according to a new University of Otago study. (University of Otago)
Community Sport and Recreation
"Resume play" marks new era - 29 Jan 2015 A new documentary highlights the role of cricket in Christchurch's path to recovery. It shows the resilience and heart of the cricket community in Canterbury, and reflects the general excitement and progress of Christchurch as it rebuilds. (Sport Canterbury) Australian national female cricket strategy - 2015 Cricket Australia and the States and Territories have developed this strategy to increase female engagement. It has a strong focus on grassroots access and opportunities for everyone to be part of the game. Please note this document downloads directly to desktop. (Cricket Australia) Acting today for an active tomorrow - 27 Nov 2014 (PDF) The Sport Wales Advisory Group has worked with forecasters to predict the future of Wales and how sport can remain relevant, available and attractive to all. It identifies mega-trends that could impact on the world of sport not just tomorrow, but five, 10 and 15 years from now. (Sport Wales) Swimming decline dominates latest English sports figures - 29 Jan 2015 A significant drop in the number of people swimming once a week dominates new sports participation figures from the eighth Sport England Active people survey in the year to October 2014. (Sport England) Recruitment and retention of women in sport and active recreation programmes: a guide for providers - January 2015 (PDF) Designed from two studies that concentrated on the perceptions of women on what facilitated and prevented them from participating in sport and active recreation programmes, this guide was created to assist providers with strategies for inclusion. (Australian Womensport and Recreation Association) Landmark female football scheme exceeds annual target - 5 Nov 2014 The initiative was created when The Football Association, Sport England, the Premier League and the Football League Trust joined forces to provide new grassroots football sessions. Since the two-year scheme was launched in October 2013, more than 20,000 females aged 14 to 25 have played football in the sessions. (The FA) A framework for recreation in Canada 2015 - pathways to wellbeing - January 2015 (PDF) This framework provides a new vision for recreation and suggests some common ways of thinking about the renewal of recreation based on clear goals and underlying values and principles. (Canadian Parks and Recreation Association) British Blind Sport - overcoming barriers to participation - 21 Jan 2015 (PDF) This extensive study explored the barriers that restrict visually impaired people from enjoying sport and how successful participants have overcome these challenges. (British Blind Sport) New strategic plan released by Surfing New Zealand - 19 Feb 2015 Surfing New Zealand has released its new strategic plan (PDF), which highlights key focus areas of sport business, sport development and high performance sport. (Surfing New Zealand)
Outdoor Recreation
New Zealand park agencies set strategic direction - 18 Feb 2015 Twenty-seven senior management representatives attended the recent New Zealand Park Agencies Forum to examine the current and future needs of the New Zealand parks and open spaces industry. (New Zealand Recreation Association) Water Safety New Zealand regional drowning toll factsheets - 2015 Drowning data is sourced from Water Safety New Zealand's DrownBase™ and the figures provided are provisional as at 5 January 2015. New trail information available online - 4 Feb 2015 People looking for opportunities to access the outdoors can now view a selection of new biking and walking trail information on the New Zealand Walking Access Commission's Walking Access Mapping System. (New Zealand Walking Access Commission) Good practice guidelines for mountain bike tour operators, guides, instructors and coaches operating in Scotland - January 2015 These guidelines (PDF) have been developed to support the delivery of good practice towards customers, land managers and other visitors. The link downloads directly to desktop. (Outdoor Recreation Network) Heritage zone handed to the people of Auckland - 14 Feb 2015 19 hectares of land adjoining Auckland's Long Bay Regional Park has been officially transferred from private ownership into public hands. (Australasian Leisure Management) Gold Coast nature-based recreation plan 2015-2025 - January 2015 This plan is a framework for managing sustainable recreation in the city's natural areas. It has been designed to balance the growing demand for such recreation with the need to preserve the environment on which it is dependent. (City of Gold Coast) Economic analysis of outdoor recreation in Washington State - January 2015 (PDF) Outdoor recreation generates US$21.6 billion a year in spending on trips and equipment in Washington State, this new study shows. (Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office) Non-motorised outdoor recreation in British Columbia: participation and economic contributions - Mar 2014 (PDF) Conservative estimates of the contribution to B.C.'s economy by non-motorised outdoor recreationists suggest their direct economic contributions topped $3.5 billion. (Federation of Mountain Clubs of British Columbia)
High Performance
Support for talented coaches through high performance accelerator - 3 Feb 2015 All Whites head coach Anthony Hudson, Canterbury head coach Scott Robertson and Waikato Bay of Plenty Magic assistant coach Margaret Forsyth are among those selected for High Performance Sport New Zealand's next Coach Accelerator Programme. (High Performance Sport New Zealand) Draw sets stage for New Zealand 2015 - 10 Feb 2015 The draw for the FIFA U-20 World Cup New Zealand 2015 has taken place in Auckland, mapping out the group-stage challenge for each of the 24 teams involved. (FIFA U-20 World Cup New Zealand 2015) New Zealand and Japan forge closer triathlon ties - 10 Feb 2015 Triathlon New Zealand has confirmed its long-standing relationship with its Japanese colleagues and marked clear intent towards Tokyo 2020, signing a memorandum of understanding with the Japanese Triathlon Union. (New Zealand Olympic Committee) Skateboarding pushing for Tokyo 2020 inclusion - 13 Feb 2015 Skateboarding is attempting to air, flip and grind its way onto the Olympic programme. The World Skateboarding Federation is taking advantage of Olympic Agenda 2020 reforms and pushing for the sport's inclusion in the Tokyo 2020 Games. (Around the Rings) UK Sport announces £2.3 million boost to sports on the road to Rio - 5 Feb 2015 UK Sport, the nation's high performance sports agency, has confirmed an extra £2.3 million investment into Olympic and Paralympic sports as a result of its Annual Investment Review, as it looks to protect and enhance medal potential at next year's Games in Rio de Janeiro. (UK Sport) Paris Mayor welcomes results of 2024 Olympic bid feasibility study - 12 Feb 2015 Following the release of a feasibility study on a bid from Paris for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said "decisive steps" have been made toward a Paris candidacy. (GamesBids) Sochi enjoying sporting boost from 2014 Winter Games - 13 Feb 2015 One year on from the 2014 Olympic Winter Games, the Russian resort of Sochi is still enjoying world-class sporting action thanks to the legacy provided by the Olympic venues. (Olympic Movement) Locating and mitigating risks to children associated with major sporting events - 3 Apr 2014 (PDF) The positive ‘social legacy' of sport events frequently masks more problematic issues, including child exploitation. This British article examines the evidence for four major sources of risk for children associated with such events. (Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events) Survey reveals disability snow sport is most expensive to pursue - 5 Jan 2015 Disability snow sport is one of the most expensive sports to pursue along with tennis, according to a recent athlete survey (PDF) by British charity SportsAid. The report shows that funding continues to be a major barrier for athletes. (inside the games)
Organisational Capability
No sticky wicket: spending on cricket to total US$479 million in 2015 - 23 Feb 2015 Fuelled in part by the ICC Cricket World Cup, sponsorship spending on cricket is expected to total US$479 million in 2015, up 3.2 percent from 2014, according to IEG Research. (IEG Sponsorship Report) ICC teams up with SAP to "bring fans closer to the game" - 1 Dec 2014 The International Cricket Council has an innovative new partnership with SAP SE, a worldwide leader in enterprise application software services, as its exclusive Analytics and Cloud Partner for the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015. (SAP Global Sponsorships) BikeNZ rebrands to Cycling New Zealand - 10 Dec 2014 BikeNZ, New Zealand's national cycling organisation, has rebranded as Cycling New Zealand to provide greater clarity both at home and abroad. (Cycling New Zealand) Crafting sports brands: an interview with Todd Radom - 28 Jan 2015 Todd Radom is a renowned US designer who has spent his career turning sporting teams and events into visual icons. This interview explores his work to find out some of the secrets to a successful sports brand, looks at current trends in sports visual branding and how organisations create an identity with lasting value. (Sports Business Insider) The Forbes Fab 40: the world's most valuable sports brands 2014 - 7 Nov 2014 The Forbes Fab 40 consists of the 10 most valuable sports brands in each of four categories - businesses, events, teams and athletes - and quantifies the earning power of each brand relative to its competitors. (Forbes) Women and sport - insights into the growing rise and importance of female fans and female athletes - 2015 This report taps into data Repucom has amassed on women's TV and digital media habits, sponsors associated with women in sport, the most marketable female athletes around the world and the future of women and sport. This site offers a preview with the full document available on registration. (Repucom) Sports Management magazine - November 2014 This edition includes articles on building healthy cities, growing youth participation in sport and the best sports surfaces. (Sports Management) World Rugby's new television show and content hub set for launch - 4 Feb 2015 World Rugby has announced the launch of its new broadcast programme World Rugby, which sits at the heart of a new content strategy to engage new audiences worldwide. (World Rugby)
Sports Science and Technology
New cricket helmet design unveiled - 12 Feb 2015 A British manufacturer has unveiled a new cricket helmet designed to prevent another tragic death like that of Phillip Hughes. (SBS) Study into why fast bowlers suffer many injuries - 9 Feb 2015 Sports physio and PhD student Sibi Boycott Walter, from Chennai in India, is leading a study on shoulder injuries among New Zealand pace bowlers. (University of Canterbury) The stranger-than-fiction way to cheat fatigue - 19 Jan 2015 In an until-recently classified report funded by the UK's Ministry of Defence, researchers revealed something remarkable: you can reap enormous performance gains by altering your perception of effort - and anyone can do it. (Outside) Contextualised skill acquisition: Investigating the skill and expertise of Brazilian footballers - January 2015 (PDF) This New Zealand thesis investigates the role of socio-cultural-historical environmental constraints influencing the development of association football expertise and skill in Brazilian players. (University of Otago) The secret of fast runners: symmetry - 21 Nov 2014 To be a swift runner you need strong muscles, a powerful heart, determination and — symmetrical knees? That's what scientists learned when they studied some of the world's top sprinters. (Society for Science & the Public) Bedtime 'has huge impact on sport' - 30 Jan 2015 Our internal body clock has such a dramatic impact on sporting ability that it could alter the chances of Olympic gold, say University of Birmingham researchers. (BBC) Professional rugby injury surveillance project report published for 2013/14 - 12 Feb 2015 The England Professional Rugby Injury Surveillance Project Report (PDF) shows overall stability among the risk of match and training injuries at Premiership Rugby clubs during the 2013-14 season. (The Rugby Players Association, UK) Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in contact sports: a systematic review of all reported pathological cases - 11 Feb 2015 (PDF) Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative disease associated with head trauma. This systematic review gives a complete overview of the common findings and risk factors for CTE as well as the status quo regarding its incidence and prevalence. (PLOS ONE) Testing super anti-doping policy - 6 Feb 2015 Dr Liam Lenten, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics and Finance at La Trobe University, believes an anti-doping policy proposal, based on 'conditional' superannuation, which would sit alongside existing measures, such as suspensions and fines, could be a strong incentive for athletes to stay drug-free. (La Trobe University)
Off the Bench: Places and Spaces
Making the case for designing active cities - February 2015 A key finding of this report (PDF) was that physical activity settings could be designed so they have positive effects on economic outcomes, including increased home value, greater retail activity, reduced healthcare costs, and improved productivity. (Active Living Research) Intersections - health and the built environment - November 2013 (PDF) This report makes the case that we can build our way to better health and outlines the opportunities and benefits for improving global health through intelligent urban design. It notes that increasingly, the ability of developers and communities to deliver on health is translating into market value for projects. (Urban Land Institute) The Healthy Active by Design tool - 2014 This resource provides easy to use practical guidance and checklists that will support the design and construction of healthy and active communities. It also provides evidence relating to nine key design features and detailed case studies. (Healthy Active by Design) Active city: designing for health - May 2014 (PDF) This report focuses on Toronto's physical built environment to create healthy places that encourage active living. It outlines design principles to guide changes to neighbourhoods, streets and buildings that allow people of all ages and abilities to incorporate physical activity into their daily routines. (City of Toronto) ‘Walkable communities' really do work - 7 Jan 2015 Less driving and more physical activity and social interactions result when people live in pedestrian-oriented, activity-friendly developments known as "walkable communities," according to a recent study. (Texas A&M University) Ten principles for building healthy places - November 2013 (PDF) This report provides practical steps that communities can adopt to have a positive impact on the health of their population. It is based on recommendations from a workshop of multidisciplinary experts to recommend strategies for fostering active living. (Urban Land Institute) The contribution of green and open space in public health and wellbeing - February 2014 (PDF) This report sets out the findings from the Scottish Government's GreenHealth project, which explores the relationship between green space and human health using a range of methods and disciplinary approaches. (James Hutton Institute)
Useful Weblinks
NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities ACTIVE study The ACTIVE (Activating Communities to Improve Vitality and Equality) study is examining whether walking and cycling habits, as well as attitudes and perceptions, are changed in Hastings and New Plymouth as a result of the interventions of the Model Communities Programme. The Centre for Active Design A non-profit resource for design professionals, policy makers, real estate developers and community advocates, this site provides a multidisciplinary perspective in the translation of health research into design solutions that amplify the role of architecture and urban planning in improving public health and well-being. Active Living Case Studies New South Wales Premier's Council for Active Living has compiled a series of NSW case studies to demonstrate the successful application of Active Living design considerations. Our futures: te pae t?whiti - 16 July 2014 (PDF) This report by an expert panel of the Royal Society of New Zealand brings together data and analysis from the 2013 census and other sources, with input from a range of researchers, to provide evidence-based pointers to the future of New Zealand society. (The Royal Society of New Zealand)