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NZ Coach links: September 2017

20 September 2017


Today's reading is  €_"Don't give me the 45-page report; tell me to go to page 11 or 12 because sometimes it was a bit long". And! "It appears that professionals working with youth sport coaches must increase the accessibility of scientific work and present information in a manner that is relevant to coaches' needs." These two quotes are taken from  Helping youth sport coaches integrate psychological skills in their coaching practice.  I agree with the comments' sentiments  €_ BUT, at the risk of being accused of sending you too much information, or not presenting the information in a relevant manner, I have included the link to this  research article  in this issue for two key reasons: (1) It's about youth coaching, and (2) It addresses some of the challenges of integrating psychological skills into coaching practice. If you want to cut to the chase, just read the article's results and discussion sections - you'll find the key stuff there. Or read the whole thing, and pick a couple of things to reflect on that relate to your coaching context. And if I was going to 'tell you' anything (see quote 1), it would be what I noted, and that was the role of reflection, reading and getting feedback in helping coaches get better. Of course, how these are done is important, but the more you do these three things the more likely you will figure out how to do them better. Happy reading  €_

Lastly, an apology (of sorts). In the previous issue there was a link to a Podcast interview with rugby league legend Mel Meninga. Unfortunately, some time between finding the link and publishing it in  NZ Coach Mag, the podcast changed to one on coaching and inclusivity. The bad news is, I haven't been able to re-find the Mel Meninga podcast. The good news was that the inclusivity podcast was 'on point', for we can all keep working to make sport available to  everyone  in a way that builds their confidence, competence, and motivation to be physically active (watch the  Coaching, Learning, and Leadership  video in this issue for more on this).  Nga mihiBrett Reid, Community Coaching Consultant'Think left and think right and think low and think high.Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!' - Dr SeussWhat's in this issue?  Test your knowledge of talent development; How to coach psychological skills; Learning drives performance; Coaching for all; The Youth Sport Industry; Is there really a sport pathway?; Rapid weight changes are harmful; Sport Science website.Take the TestYou think you understand youth sport and 'talent' development? Take the test and find out! [Get More From Sport]  Helping youth sport coaches integrate psychological skills in their coaching practiceResearchers have demonstrated the benefits of psychological skills training for athletes, but few studies have examined how coaches integrate such skills in their coaching practice. [Qualitative research in sport, exercise, and health]  Learning Drives Performance - Video with Wayne Goldsmith  [MoreGold]  What if we treated male athletes the way we treat female athletes? - Video  [Carrie Oillaux,]  Coaching, Learning and Leadership - Video  [Scottish Disability Sport]  How Kids' Sports Became a $15 Billion IndustryJoey Erace knocks pitch after pitch into the netting of his $15,000 backyard batting cage, the pings from his metal bat filling the air in the south New Jersey cul-de-sac [Time Sport]The Sport Pathway  €_ Has Lost its Path  (Wayne Goldsmith)Every sporting nation - every sport and practically everyone involved in the sports industry has bought into the theory of the sport pathway. [New Sport]Pediatricians Sound Alarm on Rapid Weight Changes in Young AthletesYoung gymnasts, figure skaters and wrestlers who try to quickly shed pounds by fasting or restricting fluids may be endangering their health, pediatricians warn. [HealthDay]  Website of InterestSee below a link to the 'Science for Sport' website. Much there to interest coaches working with pre-elite athletes, but also some nice infographics all coaches might find helpful. [Science for Sport]

If you require an accessible version of any content on the site please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

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