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NZ Coach links: September 2016

21 September 2016


Coaches are teachers  €_ yes or no? Whether you believe coaches are teachers or not, read the article in this month's issue entitled 'Coaches are teachers of sport' to find out what coaches might be able to learn from the classroom. Most coaches will be familiar with many of the concepts mentioned but the article provides a nice 'grab bag' of links related to coaching, learning and performance, including the quaint-sounding idea of 'folk pedagogies'. This issue also has another reminder that early specialisation generally 'ain't good' for the young 'uns, and the latest Tech Blog by our sport technology guru Jim Dickin. And last but not least (and don't be put off by the title - stay open to learning people!), a Ted Talk on the transformative power of classical music. I find it's always good to end on a positive note. Enjoy!

Brett Reid, Community Coaching Consultant, Sport NZCoaches are teachers of sport, but there's a lot to learn from the classroomThe 2016 Rio Paralympics gives sports fans the opportunity to watch some of the world's greatest athletes push the limits of human performance. (The Conversation)  Streaming Sports Events with Facebook LiveThe advent of Facebook Live has opened up some new exciting possibilities using technology in sports. (Tech4Coaching)  Risks Spike If Young Athletes Specialize Too SoonYoung athletes who specialize in one sport are at added risk of stress, burnout and overuse injuries, says a leading group of U.S. pediatricians. (Medline Plus)  What does it mean to be a coach?Often research on coaching will focus on areas of future improvement and in doing so may miss the positivity of what coaching brings to both the participant and the coach. (UK Sport)  A few coaching videos!Check out this link to listen to Wayne Goldsmith on topics like parents and coaches, creating cultures, and coaching philosophy, to name a few.  The transformative power of classical music  Ted Talk video presentation.

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