NZ Coach links: October 2018
NZ Coach links: October 2018
Safety first (or at least in the top three)
'Safety' can mean many things depending on the context. The first article this month talks about safety in the context of building collaboration. Daniel Coyle has written several books, including The Talent Code, but in his latest offering, The Culture Code, he investigates what it takes to make successful groups. Now, we won't tell you how it ends but it's fair to say that we would agree with Coyle's findings about the relationship between safety and success. It's worth a read.
Speaking of reading, the last article this month highlights 14 books coaches say have had an impact on their coaching. Check them out, and then maybe head to a checkout near you, or support your public library.
Between these two articles (which bookend this issue), there is something on cues, thinking like a computer, learning, the 'daily mile', 'pushy' parents, and finding your heart in coaching. Oh yes, there is also an interview with the legendary Billie Jean King. I challenge you to watch this and not be inspired (even if you've seen it before). Another marvellous monthly miscellany!
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What the best teams do to be the best teams! 1 €”They build safety
Daniel Coyle in his bestselling book, The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups, shares three key elements he has found that makes teams highly effective.[Thinkingcollaborative] Read the article
The tennis icon paved the way for women in sports
Tennis legend Billie Jean King isn't just a pioneer of women's tennis -- she's a pioneer for women getting paid.[TedTalk] Watch the video
Coaching cues
Every coach uses them, and different cues can have a big impact, but very few coaches give them a second thought.[ScienceforSport]Read the article
3 ways to make better decisions by thinking like a computer
If you ever struggle to make decisions, here's a talk for you. Cognitive scientist Tom Griffiths shows how we can apply the logic of computers to untangle tricky human problems, sharing three practical strategies for making better decisions -- on everything from finding a home to choosing which restaurant to go to tonight.[TedTalk]Watch the video
How do coaches learn?
How do we learn a thing? If you are in any normal pursuit, you probably read a book, or take a course. Maybe you check out some peer-reviewed journal articles, should you have access to materials at a university. Possibly, what you want to learn has some expert sites on the internet, so you trawl through their material to get up to speed. In a few rare cases, maybe you are lucky enough to have access to a subject matter expert and you ask them for information.Read the article
Pupils 'daily mile' scheme improves health
A primary school in Stirling has pioneered a scheme to ensure all its pupils walk or run a mile every day.[BBC] Watch the video
Parents in youth football - potentially 'pushy', always pivotal
Damien Duff hit the headlines in Ireland recently saying that the biggest difficulty with coaching in underage football is dealing with 'pushy parents'.[Irish Times] Read the article
Finding your heart in coaching
The most important question any coach can ask, is "Why do I coach"? [Wayne Goldsmith video]Watch the video
Top 14 Books that have impacted you as a coach
Based on the Coaches Book Survey asking coaches to list the books that have made the biggest impact on them as a coach, leader, and person, here are the top 14 books as recommended by your fellow coaching colleagues around the world as 'must reads'.[Championship Coaches Network]Read the article