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NZ Coach links: 13 August 2015

13 August 2015


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has released a consensus statement on youth athlete development (see Investigating the Complexity of Youth Athlete Development and the IOC Consensus Statement link below). It is a wide-ranging document and people will have a variety of views on its intent, and on its likely impact on youth sport participation and performance. Coaching, as I would expect, is highlighted as a critical factor in the development of young sportspeople. But of particular note for me was the sentence:"According to the IOC the 'culture' of specific sports and youth sports in general, has become disproportionately both adult and media centred." It goes on to suggest youth athletes are viewed as 'commodities'. Does this describe us now? Could it in future? As a coaching community we are in a strong position to help ensure the answer to both questions is 'No.' Brett Reid, Sport NZ Community Coaching Consultant

Coaching Content

Young athletes better off playing multiple sports

The benefits of playing more than one sport vastly outweigh those of specialising at a young age. That's the view of Northern Districts director of cricket Pat Malcon, as ND batsman Jono Hickey prepares for the national provincial rugby championship with Auckland before wielding a cricket bat for the Knights this summer.

(Sunday Star Times)

Rugby enters brave new coaching era

Top national coaches normally go to World Cups fearing the chop but most have long-term contracts.

(NZ Herald)

Australian coach Jan Stirling reflects on her FIBA Hall of Fame entry

To Jan Stirling coaching is just coaching. The sport, the gender of the athletes and the team budget matters not. What matters to her is the coach gets the best out of the athlete.

(Sydney Morning Herald)

Investigating the Complexity of Youth Athlete Development and the IOC Consensus Statement

"Without our context we are not what we are. We are not a list of attributes. My aim is not to fracture and break apart what should be together, not to de-contextualise. And that's the oldest approach on earth".

(Juanma Lillo of Footblogball)

Canada's National Coaching Partners Announce the First Annual National Coaches Week September 19 - 27, 2015

The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) and the provincial and territorial coaching representatives (PTCRs) are proud to present the inaugural National Coaches Week, September 19 - 27, 2015.

(SIRC News Hub)

An Uncommon Man: Life Lessons from a True Sporting Role Model

Back in the summer of 2000, I was just completing my first year as an assistant men's soccer coach at the University of Vermont. Between sessions of summer camp, I often ducked out of the heat by having lunch in the cool confines of UVM's famed Gutterson Field House, watching some of the planet's best ice hockey players playing summer pickup games. Olympians and NHL champions such as John LeClair, Aaron Miller, Tim Thomas, and Patrick Sharp honed their skills in these games, and I had quite the front row seat.

(Changing The Game

Future Australian soccer coaches missing out because of strict A-League club commitments

AUSTRALIA'S next generation coaches will sadly lack the invaluable input of professional A-League players if the scheduling for courses continually clashes with club commitments.


Coaching Tips - making sport inclusive for all

For most people, the first youthful experiences within sport have a dramatic effect on the long-term idea of what they are capable of and if positive, can pave the way for future success.

(SIRC Blog)

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