Coaching with the GoPro
Coaching with the GoPro
Jim Dickin puts on a point of view camera.
As coaches, we spend a lot of time trying to put ourselves into the minds of our athletes and helping them to see the range of possibilities. Even with traditional match-day video we can show them options available, and talk to them about the actions they chose, but normally not until after the event. A potential coaching aid is the GoPro camera and similar Point of View (PoV) cameras.
The great thing about GoPro is the huge range of mounts - the camera to be used in almost every situation, from the end of a surfboard to the handlebars of a bike. In US sports, a lot of coaches have made use of helmet mounts to gain the athlete's point of view. This page gives a range of GoPro accessories - even down to a dog harness!
The GoPro can be viewed wirelessly on your tablet or phone, letting coaches see what the player is seeing. Have a look at this outstanding footage of a downhill mountain bike race.
This is a great resource for a skilled coach - did your athlete take the correct line down the course? Where could he gain speed? Should he be approaching jumps faster and more aggressively?
Here's another example, from the US ski team. The clip below uses footage from chest harness, a follow-cam and views from the side. They are reviewing this footage wirelessly using an iPad, facilitating a discussion between coach and player. The coach even gives the skier real-time feedback as she skis, via radio.
The only limitations in using GoPro for coaching is your imagination and the rules of your particular activity. Certainly, activities such as rowing and cycling could make great use of real-time feedback in this way; imagine as a coach being able to see what your first five can see or footage from a hockey or football goalmouth. POV cameras have powered recent ref-cam experiments in rugby.
A US programme has put together a montage of their YouTube footage for the season, including coaching drills and speeches from their coaches. It is great to be able to see the player's point of view and spot the coachable moments. The shot at the beginning of this article was of some catching drills and the photo below is a moment in the video when the coach urges the player to "run the alley".
Developing the coaches
As well as using the Gopro as an all-important coaching tool and a really innovative way to link with your athletes, there are benefits here for coach development. That might include asking the American coach in the previous footage why he found it necessary to grab his player's facegrill ... You can review your own sessions with your athletes alongside, or with a mentor. You may even expose yourself to the merciless YouTube comments section if you are especially brave.
Even more exciting and from the realms of science fiction is the AirDog.
AirDog's a drone which follows from a predetermined height and angle any person wearing a special wristband. It can carry a GoPro. Lots of possiblities for reviewing a coaching session or even the particular work-rate of an athlete.
Get in touch
I would love to hear from any coaches who have used the GoPro successfully in their own coaching. As ever, I welcome any contact either via email or twitter on the addresses below.
Jim Dickin