BoardTalk, 3 Nov 2016
BoardTalk, 3 Nov 2016
Welcome to the BoardTalk newsletter for November 2016. If you have any feedback on our publication, please email us.
Governance Mark update
Fourteen organisations have now committed to the Governance Mark process. Several have completed the initial assessment. Some of those are already operating at a high standard of governance and we anticipate awarding the first Mark early in 2017.
Other organisations that are considering the process please touch base with us as we need to carefully schedule the resources required:
Integrity in sport
Arguably the largest challenge to sport at present. The lead article in this month's Institute of Director's magazine looks at New Zealand's role, Taking a stand.
A reminder that SportNZ has resources on line. The Australian Sports Commission also has helpful material that includes a check list of questions for an organisation to work through.
The English take a tough line
Minimum mandatory standards are coming into force including gender percentage under the new Code for Sports Governance. Read more.
BoardPro webinars
We have a small partnership with BoardPro who are presently beta testing their excellent meeting management software. Early adopters of the Framework will get a free licence for a twelve-month period. Aimed at the NFP and SME world. Full release early 2017, check it out here.
Governance 101
Nearly 400 people have commenced this on line learning tool. For any board looking to develop their governance capability this is a great starting place providing a common base level understanding of the key principles and concepts. Click through the courses tab, free to use