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BoardTalk, 2 July 2018

02 July 2018

Governance Mark

Congratulations to the New Zealand Pony Club Association recipient number four of the Governance Mark for Sport and Recreation in New Zealand.NZPCA has worked hard over eighteen months to align their governance processes with the Framework. We are delighted that an organisation of a very different scale can work within the process to address governance needs. Congratulations!

Some farewell offerings from John

The governance role in the capability team passes from me (John Page) to a new face shortly. A quick note to thank the very many fabulous people I have worked with over the past 13 years.You can all take some credit for the genuine progress in governance in the sector. I am off to work with Boardworks International so no doubt our paths will continue to cross. In the meantime, here are three things from me for your reading pile.

True to Label

Thanks to SportNZ for the time to complete this major piece of research examining how non-profit  organisations account for time and money. It looks at 55 organisations including 15 from our sector. Intended to help organisations and boards tell their stories better in a changing and challenging world."I am going to make this mandatory reading for the boards I am involved in, such is the value, power and clarity of some of the messages in here"Craig Fisher, Audit Partner and Chairman RSM Hayes, writing in the foreword.  

PDF and print versions can be downloaded from  Sport NZ's website.  

Mission Driven Governance

This Stanford article of 2009 remains a seminal work. It is essential reading for boards, helping them understand the idea of a "True North" and how to stick to it!  Read the article (PDF).

The Sound of No Music

Also, from Stanford (2004) and also an essential read. How a great organisation with a clear role in the community can come to grief when mission and strategy drift apart.  Read the article (PDF).


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