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BoardTalk, 13 May 2016

13 May 2016

Welcome to the BoardTalk newsletter for May 2016. If you have any feedback on our publication, please email us.

Four Times Tables

Sport New Zealand in association with Women on Boards presents Four Times Tables "a speed learning opportunity":

Four topics, four experts, four conversationsA great chance to canvas key governance issues with four experienced practitioners. In a variation of the "speed dating" concept, groups move every 20 minutes to engage in all four conversations. The evening finishes with some food and drink and a great chance to mingle. No charge but numbers strictly limitedClick on a workshop for further information and details on how register:

Working with your Board

A new seminar for CEs16 June 2016, Auckland- presented by Jane HuriaThe course will cover:

  • Your expectation of the board - clear outcomes, policies and delegations, performance framework
  • Working with the board - sound meetings, good papers and decision processes
  • The soft stuff - working with the chair, involving senior staff, directors as volunteers

Information and registration at - (click on Sport NZ Catalogue tab to access courses). No charge but spaces are limited.

Health and Safety Guide for Directors

Excellent detailed publication from the Institute of Directors and WorkSafe covering the legislation, role of directors, liabilities. policy, terms of reference and checklists. This documentin combination with the Institute's online course give directors great information and tools to meet their obligations under the new Act.

Around the world

Links to governance reviews, reports and frameworks in Australia and around the world. Read more here

If you require an accessible version of any content on the site please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

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