BoardTalk, 13 July 2016
BoardTalk, 13 July 2016
Welcome to the BoardTalk newsletter for July 2016. If you have any feedback on our publication, please email us.
Sport NZ emerging leader award presented to Angela Lim
With Hon Louise Upston, Minister for Women, and John Page, Sport NZ.
In the 2016 Women on Boards governance awards, Sport NZ supported the Emerging Leaders category. Angela is a doctor and surgeon. She is active in health board governance and medical leadership and is a director of the YWCA, Asian Women and Family and the 2020 Trust. Angela is active in forums nationally and internationally in digital technologies, health and Asian leadership. We are pleased to support Angela over the next year as part of the women in governance mentor programme.
View a full list of winners here
Board Charter update
The Sport NZ board policies template has been reviewed and updated. In particular, governance level health and safety material has been added. Read more here.
Health & Safety for international athletes
Thanks to Alan Sorrel for permission to reprint this article
An excellent piece on the implications of the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 for organisations with athletes travelling and competing internationally. Obviously very relevant with the Rio Games imminent, but widely applicable. Alan is an Auckland based barrister and a director of Tennis NZ. Read more here.
Vulnerable Children Act
The Vulnerable Children Act 2014 has introduced a number of measures intended to reduce the risk of harm to children. As of 1 July 2016 the workforce restriction now applies to existing core workers, making it an offence for people with certain criminal convictions to continue working as core workers unless they hold an exemption. Read more here.